Monday, December 21, 2009

Charles Darwin's Inventor of organic evolution theory

Law, along with the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. Inventor Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution in terms of natural selection at the age of sixteen entered the University of Edinburgh to study medicine, but both medical and anatomical science that makes considered boring. Shortly after he moved to Cambridge to learn the elements of office administration. Even so, hunting and horseback riding at Cambridge digemarinya much more to learn science. And yet, you can still attract the attention of one of the great teachers who pushed to participate in research on the HMS Beagle, as naturalist. At first her father objected to his appointment. She thought the trip was only a pretext, of course, Darwin reluctant to do serious work. Fortunately, later convinced his father and to bless the journey that ultimately became the most valuable in the history of European science.
Darwin began to sail aboard the Beagle, in 1831. At that time only twenty years. During the five-year voyage, the ship sailed the Beagle in the world, traveling the coast of South America at a thrilling pace, explore the deserted islands of the remote Galapagos Islands, mengambah islands in the Pacific Ocean from Indonesia and South Atlantic Ocean. In perkelanaan that Darwin witnessed many natural wonders, visiting primitive tribes, found a large number of fossils, examine the different types of plants and animals. Beyond that, he made many notes about anything that passes in front of your eyes. These records are the basic ingredient of almost all of his work in the future. From these records were only ideas, and events and experiences to support their theories.
Darwin returned home in 1836 and twenty years later he published a line of books that made him famous biologist in the UK. Since 1837, Darwin believed that animals and plants are not fixed, but experienced a change in geological history. At the moment I had realized what the cause of evolution. In 1838 he read the essay "On the Principle of Population" by Thomas Malthus. This book made Malthusian menyuguhkannya encourage more convinced of natural selection through competition for sustaining life. Even after Darwin had formulated the principles of natural selection, which was in no hurry to print and publish. He was aware, his theory would invite challenges. Because of that, it takes long time to develop the evidence carefully and put the horses to defend if there is an attack scenario.
Outline of the theory written in 1842 and in 1844 began compiling an extensive book. In June 1858, when Darwin was beautify and perfect his masterpiece, the book received a manuscript from Alfred Russel Wallace (a British naturalist who was in the East) outlined his own theory of evolution. In each of the core issues, along with the theory of Darwinian theory, Wallace! Wallace set his theory is really standing on his own and sent the manuscript to Darwin's writings to solicit opinions and feedback from prominent scientists signed before printing. The situation is bad, it is easy to develop a battle we do not want to fight priorities. The solution, both Wallace and the script outline of Darwin's theory discussed simultaneously by a scientific body in the next month.
Simply stunning, this problem is not so ignored pengedepanan people. Darwin's book The Origin of Species published in the next year, causing a stir. It is in fact probably never have published a book of knowledge so widespread and became the material for a warm conversation, both scientific and lay, as in the book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the strugle for Life. They presented their argument continued in 1871, when he exclaimed Darwin published The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to sex. This book raised the idea that human beings come from a species of monkey, which he called the debate added more opinions.
Darwin himself did not participate in public debate about the theories they say. It could be due to health perkelanaannya perhaps because the ship Beagle parrjang (probably due to fever, Chagas disease, due to insect bites in Latin America). And it could be because it feels good to have as strong supporters of Thomas H. Huxley was a good debate and defense of Darwin's theory, most scientists accept the basic truth of Darwin's theory, when in that year Niatia 1882.
Actually - if you want to talk real or not real - not the first discoverer of Darwin's evolutionary theory of creation. Some people have been loud in front of him, including the French naturalist Jean Lamarek and Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus Darwin.
However, his hypothesis was never accepted by the world of science, since it was unable to generate confidence in how and how evolution occurs. Darwin's greatest contribution is its ability not only present the mechanism of natural selection that led to the emergence of natural evolution, but also can serve a lot of evidence to support the hypothesis.
Note, Darwin's theory was formulated without the back of any genetic theory, or even that he knew nothing of that knowledge. In Darwin's time, nobody special Happenings Faham how a new generation. Although Gregor Mendel's laws end the descendants of those years coincided with the time Darwin wrote and published a book that makes history, Mendel's work to support Darwin's theory was so perfect, Mendel was ignored almost entirely of people until 1900, when Darwin's theory must be established and stable. In both, our modern understanding of evolution - which is a combination of genetic science with the legal descendants of natural selection - is more complete than Darwin's theory posed.
Darwin's influence on human thought in sekah. In connection with pure science, of course, who had committed acts of revolutionary all aspects of biology. Natural selection really have a set of very general principles and fundamental experiments have been conducted in various application fields such as anthropology, sociology, political science and economics.
Perhaps the most important influence on Darwin's thinking in terms of religion rather than science or sociology. In Darwin's time and for years thereafter, many supporters of the faithful believe that the acceptance of Darwin's theory that reducing the degree of belief in religion. It is, in essence, although it can be clearly many other factors that cause so lunturnya due to religious beliefs. (Darwin himself became a secular).
Even on the basis of a secular, Darwinian cause major changes in how people in his thoughts on world affairs (the human race seems) as a whole no longer occupies a central position in the natural scheme of nature like creatures that had akukan. Now we must see ourselves as just a part of many creatures and are aware of the possibility that would change the tempo. Following the research findings of Darwin, the view that Heraclitus said, "Nothing is permanent except change" becomes more widely accepted. The success of the theory of evolution as a general explanation of the origin of humans has been further strengthened confidence in the ability of science to answer any question that the physical world (though not all human problems and human). Deadline for Darwin, "the strong defeating the weak" and "struggle for life" has entered a part of our Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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