Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Leonardo da Vinci

His head was passed midwives from the mother's womb in 1452 near the city of Florence, Italy. And his head is inserted into the grave in 1519. He is Leonardo and Vinci. Century after century Guram not make his reputation as perhaps the most brilliant genius who ever lived on planet earth. If only there was a list of "famous people" certainly Leonardo da Vinci topnotch listed among fifty
other characters. However, his talent and his reputation seems to be exaggerated if measured by its impact on history.

In his notebook, Leonardo left the sketch a lot of modern inventions, such as aircraft problems and submarines. Because the note was merely to prove kebrilianan and originality, not the impact on the development of science. First, Leonardo does not make a model of these discoveries. Second, although his ideas very bright, did not show that the ideas can be implemented. Put your ideas on airplanes and submarines that: Much more difficult to create a model for making kongkritnya. Great inventor whose name is not just those who have brilliant ideas but fail to realize it, but the so-called great inventors are people like Thomas Edison, James Watt or the Wright brothers who have talent and perseverance mechanic working on details and overcome the difficulties of making to really work. Leonardo did not do things like this.

Furthermore, although sketches also contain details that needed to be tangible findings, nonetheless there are also different, because the findings were simply buried in the new notebooks and published many centuries after Leonardo himself to death. At the time of his notes issued (which happened to the text written on glass), the ideas embodied in the invention was also found by other people are standing alone. We conclude, as a scientist and inventor, Leonardo had no significant effect.

Leonardo inclusion in this list because it is caused primarily on artistic works. Leonardo was a high-class artist, though not as famous as Rembrandt, Raphael, Van Gogh, or El Greco. Measured from the consequences it caused in the subsequent development of art, its influence is much smaller than Picasso or Michelangelo.

Leonardo had the unfortunate habit. He started something with the ambition of the project burning, but never completed properly. Say he's "hot-hot chicken shit." As a result, the complete picture, far fewer in number than the work of painters mentioned above. Because too often he was moved from one unfinished painting to another painting, Leonardo managed to divide the important part of extraordinary talent. Although seems awkward, Leonardo considers a less incompetent when he was the creator of the Mona Lisa, but it's a common conclusion made by those experts who explore Leonardo's career.

Maybe Leonardo da Vinci the most talented person who ever lived, but the preservation of his work is relatively small. And though he was a famous architect, it seemed he had never built a house that really woke up. And none of the chisel sculpture that can still be found today. Peningggalan the beautiful talent consists of a number of sketches, some amazing paintings (less than twenty-five of which are still living), and a set of records that can make people of the 20th century stunned on his genius, but little or no no effect at all on any science or field of invention. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Ferdinand Magellan's

Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan's expedition leaders heralded as the first round of the universe. Expedition may be the greatest journey in the history of mankind. Number of time the whole trip includes a little less than three years. Of the five small boats, the slow, fragile Magellan used, only one ship capable of returning to Europe safely and the 265 sailors who participate,
only 18 are left alive! Magellan himself sorang including one who died on the way (even after he was beyond the moment of the most difficult and dangerous). But in the end the expedition was doing well, and bring evidence that the world is really round.

It is clear, the success of this expedition in essence related to the leadership of Magellan with a steely determination. Many men who wanted to come back after taking the cruise only a few months, and of course the Magellan could not have to suppress their rebellion intentions and determined to continue his intentions. Combination of skill and steadiness determination make him a sailor and explorer considered the greatest of all sailors, navigators who ever lived.

Real influence of what actually accomplish little. The Europeans have the same educated merely knowing this is the earth round, not square is not flat nor as a board. And Magellan route nor a trade route is important. Nothing like a trip Vasco da Gama, Magellan travel no major impact both for Europe and the East. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Abraham Lincoln

President of the United States was 16, Abraham Lincoln, one of the most famous and impressive political figure who had acquired United States - or any other country, too. Well, if the case, because what he was not included in the list of the main sequence? Is liberation 3,500,000 villein was not a great work?
Quite so. However, when we look back, will be seen that
the strength of the whole world is struggling unbearable by any power to eliminate all forms of slavery. Many countries have abolished slavery system even before Lincoln's reign, and within fifty-five years after his death, most countries do so. Most can be appreciated from the work of Lincoln is to accelerate the process in a country, the United States.

However, the services of Lincoln's work is to maintain the unity of the largest United States faced the secession efforts the states south of the country. For this act alone he deserves inclusion in this book is a chronological list.

However, through the election of Lincoln is so because the separation of the states south of it. And not too likely to fail to win the North of civil war if people other than Lincoln became president. And above all, the North opened the battle with the superior of capital judging from the point of the population and also greater in the industry.

Even if the North did not win the war, on the whole course of history will not experience major changes. Link language, religion, culture and trade between North and South was so close they will come together too. If the split lasted for twenty years, or put, fifty years, it was only a minor event in world history. (Proper note that even without the South, the United States today remains the fourth largest country in the world's population, and will continue to be the country's most prominent industries).

Does this mean that Lincoln does not figure at all important? Not at all. His career has a deep influence to millions of people in one generation. However, he had equal importance as the influence Mahavira continued for centuries. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Mohandas K. Gandhi

Mohandas K. Gandhi, a man who stood at the forefront in the movement for Indian independence, and only from the point of this reason alone many people who suggested that she put into the main part of this book. Nevertheless, patutlah remember, India's independence from England would come with "itself" sooner or later. Because, in fact a particular strength of the impulse of history tend toward
decolonization. This we can see now that the independence of India was certainly done in a few years after the year 1947 even if Gandhi had never lived in this world.

That's right, the way Gandhi run social disobedience without violence finally managed to "persuade the British moved out" of the country. However, Even if street violence that followed, could not help she's going free spirit, too, sooner or later. Because of difficulty also conclude whether Gandhi's overall slow or speed up the freedom of India, it seems we can berkongklusi that effects the core of the steps are (at least in terms of it) is not how much. Also can be shown, Gandhi is not the founder of India's freedom movement (Indian National Congress was founded in 1885), nor is he the most important political figure at the time it gained independence.

Still, Gandhi's significance lies in the suggestion "without violence" it. (Of course, this idea is not entirely original; specifically Gandhi himself said the idea came in part from reading the writings of Thoreau, Tolstoy and the New Testament and also the various writings of the Hindu religious leaders). No doubt, Gandhi's politics, if acceptable to the international scale, can change the world. Unfortunately, not all can accept, even in India itself.

That's right, the years between 1945-1955 the technique used to try to persuade the Portuguese to lift the leg from Goa, this suggestion does not meet the target for a few years later the Indian government to subdue by force of arms. Moreover, in the last thirty years, India involved in war with Pakistan three times and the border war with China. Other countries are also reluctant to accept the teachings of Gandhi, the following technique. Roughly, seventy years counted from Gandhi introduced the technique of "without violence", the world is full of scuffles gelimang blood. Greatest fistfight in history.

Should we conclude that as a philosopher Gandhi clearly obvious failure? At present it seems that's the way, but, worth remembering that thirty years after the absence of the Prophet Jesus, a Roman intelligent and full information can not be concluded that the Prophet Jesus of Nazareth was a "failure" if he really listened and follow the Prophet Isa as a whole! And also no one could imagine in the year 450 BC how will influential Kong Hu-Cu in the end. Assessing the extent of what had happened, Gandhi seems feasible only included in the "respectable people." Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Benjamin Franklin

I think it is worth if I told Benjamin Franklin was a genius who most have much toxicity. throughout history. He's got the work has a wider range of Leonardo da Vinci's famous. Astonishing but true, Franklin was very successful in his career separate from each other: successful business, science works, literary works, and the political field was successful. One result of bulk rare!

Franklin business career as an ancient tale: from junk dealers to get rich. Family in Boston was not the person. As a young child in Philadelphia, he was clearly deflated bag, but before the age of forty years Franklin had become millionaires through he had a printing press, he had a newspaper company, and he had various other businesses. Meanwhile, in his spare time, he studied science and taught himself to four foreign languages!

As a scientist, Franklin is famous for the basic investigation he has electricity and light. Coincided with that he also created various inventions have much to, including the "Franklin stove" lens with double focus, and light gun. Two of the latter discovery is still used by people today.

Writing experiment Franklin was the first successful as a journalist. He published Poor Richard's Almanac, which contains a remarkable talent to reverse the sentence fragments. (Not many writers who left so many expressions, unforgettable uangkapan). At the end he end up his autobiography, a famous work ever written and are still read and loved people.

In the political field, Franklin managed just like he was also successful as an administrator (he served as head of postal affairs for the colonies and under business leadership post shows the benefits!); And as a legislator (he was repeatedly elected to the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania): as a diplomat (he was very popular and successful as ambassador to France in a difficult period in American history). Moreover, he was one of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence of the United States and later became a member of the Constitutional Convention.

There's more? Still. Franklin was the fifth career: he was a uplifting and community organizer. For example, he was one of the founders of the first hospital in Philadelphia. He helped organize the fire company and managed to push through the formation of city police affairs, he organized the mobile library (the first one!) And community groups of scientists (also a first!).

Like everyone, Franklin also had the difficulties and disappointments which made him a sad heart. Even so, life is an extraordinary example - perhaps the most remarkable in history - which could be a human being. Blessed by good health for most of the age of eighty-four years, Franklin has a long life happenings, interesting, useful, religious, and generally happy in this mortal world. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Marie Curie - Maria Sklodowska

Name origin: Maria Sklodowska. Marie Curie more famous than many scientists I have entered in the list of hundred of this book. However, it seems to me, fame is not departed from the scientific importance was done, but more because she was a woman. His career shows, the type of work that may be, a woman capable of scientific investigation that has high quality. On this basis he became very sparkly,
so many people who have the impression that he was the man who discovered radioactive. But in fact radioactive found by Antoine Henri Becquerel. There was undisputed that the priority falls on Becquerel, because only after reading the report Marie Curie Becquerel discovery before he and brother, Pierre, who is also equally talented scientists began investigating the matter.

The real work of an impressive Marie Curie's discovery of chemical elements and the separation of radium. Before this, he has discovered another radioactive element dijulukinya "polonium," taken from the name of his native country, Poland. It's really amazing work, but does not have an outstanding significance in scientific theory.

In 1903, Marie Curie, Pierre Curie and Antoine Henri Becquerel jointly earn the Nobel Prize for physics. And Marie Curie in 1911 to more Nobel Prize, this time for chemistry. This made him the first person to earn the Nobel Prize twice.

Interesting to note that Marie Curie had a small child when he completed the most important scientific investigations. His eldest daughter, Irene, also a scientist who succeeded brilliantly. Irene married a man who was also a talented scientist, Jean Frederic Joliot. A husband and wife together to find radioactive artificial (artificial). For this discovery (which can be considered a "descendant" of the discovery of natural radioactive!) Cause Joliot and Curie shared the Nobel Prize in 1935. The second daughter of Marie Curie, Eve, a famous musician and author. Is really a wonderful family!

Nonya Marie Curie died in 1934, got leukemia. Most likely due to repeatedly deal with objects that contain radioactive. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Egyptian King Khufu

Egyptian King Khufu (Cheops in Greek name) is remembered for building the giant pyramids in Giza, which seems destined tomb was built. When is birth and death no one knows, but he's generally considered to live in a period of twenty-six centuries before Christ. What we know, its capital at Memphis, Egypt, and he sat on the throne for a long time, but the lives of others very little was revealed.

Appears to be safe if we say that the pyramid is a pyramid-good giant's most famous and most impressive is the building ever built man. Even in ancient times he was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Although the other six are so messy debris, a giant pyramid upright stand, a fascinating memories for the king, who made him.

Perfection construction and custom sizes out really impressive. Although the foot at the very top had been destroyed, their height was reached 450 feet, about as tall as 35 story building! Roughly 2,300,000 stone blocks, each block weighs around 2.5 tonnes used for the pyramid. Because it had a giant pyramid chambers devices inside and alleyways, the stone which consists of various sizes, adding complex pembikinannya work.

Somehow the way the Egyptians working in the forty-six centuries ago without modern equipment or machinery, but still able to make such a building, really dark! Actually building it requires very careful planning and excellent administrative ability to explore the national resources for the success of a huge task like that. If we agree on a general allegation that it takes twenty years, naturally we have to imagine no less than approximately 300 blocks of stone arranged each day. Clearly, to form blocks of stone and carry it to the compilation of the pyramid, cut to fit exactly as required and place them in the proper position, really a duty "crazy." The entire fleet should be mobilized to carry blocks of stone, and planned supply system is needed to feed the "army of workers" who are involved in the project.

The giant pyramid has survived for 4500 years straight, and probably still erect such buildings, although modern buildings have fallen apart so long rubble and ashes. Building pyramids was not really terusakkan! Even if an atomic bomb hit right to him, he would not be erased. Of course, bit by bit. he will riddled era. However, until now, erosinya levels are still allowed to survive until more than a million years.

Because it is clear, Cheops as the person who left a large legacy for the world, has gained eternal fame, fame may overcome anyone who has ever lived on the earth's surface. (Can Napoleon or Alexander the Great was remembered though only 10,000 years to come?). However, fame far different from what is called "influence". Although Cheops had influence over the Egyptians who lived in his era, he did not have any influence either on the outside world and the days afterward. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Charles Babbage

English inventor Charles Babbage completed principles of general use of digital computers full century before the development of large-scale electronic calculating machines happen. The designs engines, which gave the name "analytical engine" in principle able to perform what could be a modern calculator (although not as fast, because the "engine analyst" was not designed for electric-powered).
Unfortunately, since the technology of the 19th century had not yet advanced enough, Babbage was not able to complete the construction of "machine analyst" is, but it can not require huge time and cost. After his death, his ideas are so brilliant was almost forgotten.

In 1937, Babbage's writings to the attention of Howard H. Aiken, Harvard graduate degree. Aiken is also trying to complete the design of machines, moved a lot by Babbage's ideas. In cooperation with IBM, Aiken able to make the Mark I, the first computer for all purposes. In 1946, two years after the Mark I operated, the engineers and other inventors completed ENIAC, first electronic calculating machine. Since then, advances in computer technology developed with the rush.

Because the calculator has so much influence in the world, will become even more important in the days ahead, I intend to include Charles Babbage in the list of main sequence of this book. However, after consideration of all angles, I concluded that Babbage's contribution to the development of thinking computers are not greater than Aiken or than John Mauchly and JO Eckert (which is the central figure in the design of ENIAC). On that basis at least three predecessors Babbage (Blaise Pascal, Gottfried Leibniz, and Joseph Marie Jacquard) has made contributions equivalent to Babbage. Pascal, a mathematician, philosopher and French scientists discovered the sum of mechanical machines even in 1642. In the year 1671 Gottfired Wilhelm von Leibniz, a philosopher and mathematician who designed the machine can add, subtract, multiply and divide. Leibniz was also the first to demonstrate the importance of "binary systems," which is the sum of the system with two "digits" that in this modern era is widely used in computers. And other French people, Jacquard, who in the early 19th century have been using computer systems to monitor the charging loom. Jacquard loom heavy selling commercially, has a major influence on Babbage thought. May be influenced also Herman Hollerith, an American who in the late 19th century, using a computer charging system to make columns of data in the Census Bureau. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Whose name was certainly smart scientist. If not, why is called a scientist? But Archimedes - according to the size of the old world - not just smart but smarter smartest in the field, the field of mathematics. He is sometimes considered the inventor of the lever principle and the concept of specific gravity.
But the fact is that the lever has been known and
used centuries before any of Archimedes. Apparently he was the first person to clearly explain the formulas of things even though the lever machine engineers have repeatedly and able to use the lever long before Archimedes.

The concept of density (weight per volume unit) of an object as opposed to the overall weight of an object seems to have known before Archimedes and the crown (the story of her leap from the bath and ran along the street, shouted "Eureka"), what is found in Archimedes are not new but merely overt use of concepts already known to something specific problems.

As a mathematician, Archimedes no doubt is leading. The proof, he nearly came to formulate an "integral calculus," more than eighteen centuries before Isaac Newton managed to do it. Unfortunately, the system is easy to describe the symbols of the number is still less at the time of Archimedes. Similarly, unfortunately, no successor is qualified enough as a mathematician. As a result, Archimedes' mathematical cleverness view becomes less and less power as before.Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Thomas Aquinas Italian philosopher

Thomas Aquinas Italian philosopher famous for his theological writings, especially writings of his Summa Theologia statements that may have the greatest power in the weight of Catholic theological doctrine that never existed.
Nothing wrong if you say, no one ever philosophical system which worked so complete and so detailed and careful consideration so as performed by Thomas Aquinas.
The reader, Even if does not agree with the assumption or kongklusi Aquinas, yet can not help but be impressed with the greatness of this man. However, some of Aquinas's writings contain abstract and metaphysical issues that lay not see the practical meaning. He questioned ethical questions, too. However, his writings, although he sistematiskan Catholic beliefs before, did not reflect major changes in the ideals of ethics or political views. It also seems the readers of Aquinas's writings not necessarily be Catholics or Christians.Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Niels Henrik David Bohr

Pigs, frogs, pangolin, human, everything had a father, an official or unofficial. So is the theory of atomic structure had a father. He was Niels Henrik David Bohr was born in 1885 in Copenhagen. In 1911 he gained his doctorate in physics from the University of Copenhagen. Shortly after that he went to Cambridge, England. There he studied under the tutelage J.J. Thompson,
the famous scientist who discovered the electron. Only in a few months after that Bohr moved back to Manchester, Ernest Rutherford studied at a few years earlier found the nucleus (the nucleus) atoms. Rutherford is this which confirms (in contrast to previous opinions) that the atoms are empty, with a heavy staple in the middle and outer electrons. Shortly after that Bohr soon developed his own theory a new and radical about the structure of atoms.

Bohr's paper-like cradle of history "On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules," published in the Philosophical Magazine in 1933.

Bohr introduced the theory of the atom as a kind of miniature planet around the sun, the electrons orbit around about the subject, but with a very important difference: when the laws of classical physics says about the orbital velocity in all sizes, Bohr proved that the electrons in a atoms can only be spinning in its orbit in a specific size. Or in another formulation of the sentence: the electrons surrounding the central part is at the level of energy (skin) without the specific energy absorbed or radiated. Electrons can move from the inner layer to outer layer when absorbing energy. Instead, the electrons will move from the outer layer into deeper layers of the radiated energy.

Bohr introduced the theory of radical difference with the classical theory of physics ideas. Some scientists are full of imagination (like Einstein) immediately rushed praised Bohr's papers as a "masterpiece," a great job; even so, many other scientists initially ignore the truth of this new theory. The most critical experiment is the ability to explain the spectrum of the Bohr theory of hydrogen atoms. Has long been known that hydrogen gas when heated at high heat levels, will be out of light. However, this light does not cover all colors, but only the light from any particular frequency. Largest value of the Bohr theory of atoms is a simple set of hypotheses but could explain the remarkable determination of the exact wave length of all the spectral lines (color) emitted by hydrogen. Furthermore, Bohr's theory predicted the existence of additional spectral lines, not visible at the time, but later confirmed by the tempter. In addition, the Bohr theory of atomic structure first presents a clear explanation for the atoms have anything like the size. Judging from all these compelling events, immediately accepted the theory of Bohr, and Bohr in the year 1922 can be, the Nobel Prize for physics.

Year 1920 established institutions Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen and the Bohr became its director. Under the fast pirnpinannya attract young scientists are brilliant, and soon became the world center of scientific inquiry.

But meanwhile the Bohr theory of atomic structure facing difficulties. Terpokok problem is that Bohr's theory, though perfectly describes the future difficulties of atoms (eg hydrogen) which has one electron, not exactly estimate the spectra of other atoms. Some scientists, stunned by the remarkable success in terms of Bohr's theory describing the hydrogen atom, hoping to improve a little way Bohr theory, they can also explain the spectra of heavier atoms. Bohr himself was one of the first to notice the small improvements that will not help, because it is needed is a radical overhaul. But, after he took all reasonable genius, yet he was not able to solve it.

The solution was eventually found by Werner Heisenberg and others, beginning in 1925. It is interesting to note here, that the Heisenberg - and most scientists are developing a new theory - studying in Copenhagen, which has no doubt benefited greatly from discussions with Bohr and contact each other. Bohr himself hurried to new ideas and help develop. He made important contributions to the new theory, and sodomy disuksi discussions and writings, he helped make more systematic.

In the 1930s more attention to the issue shows the basic structure of atoms. He developed an important model "liquid droplets" essential part of atoms. He also presented the problem of the theory of "the combination of principal" in the atomic reaction to be solved. Furthermore, Bohr was a man who quickly declared that the isotopes of uranium are involved in nuclear division is the U235. This statement has important significance in the subsequent development of the atomic bomb.

In 1940 German troops occupied the Danish. This Bohr put yourself in danger, partly because he had anti-Nazi attitude is widespread, partly because his mother was Jewish. In 1943 Bohr fled to a regional Danish occupation, to Sweden. He also helped a large number of Danish Jews escape to avoid death in the gas chambers of Hitler. From Sweden Bohr fled to England and from there crossed into the United States. In this country, during the war, Bohr helped make the atomic bomb,

After the war, Bohr returned home to the Danish and heads the institution until his spirit floated in 1 `562. In the years after Bohr's war effort - though unsuccessfully - to encourage the international community to oversee the use of atomic energy.

Bohr married in 1912, at about the time he was doing great work in the field of science. She has five children, one named Aage Bohr, won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1975. Bohr is the most unpopular person in the world of scientists, not merely because of saluting the genius of his knowledge, but also personality and character and a deep sense of humanity.

Although Bohr's original theory of atomic structure is over fifty years ago, he still is one of the great figures in 20th century. There are several reasons why. First, some of the essentials of his theory is still considered correct. For example, the idea that atoms can exist only at the level of energy is carefully integral part of all theories of atomic structure of the next. Another thing, the picture of the atom Bohr had a great sense for finding something for yourself, although modern scientists do not think it was literally true. The most important of all, perhaps, is that Bohr's ideas is the driving force for the development of "quantum theory." Although several ideas have expired, but obviously historically theories have proved a starting point for the modern theory of atoms and the subsequent development of quantum mechanics.Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Mahavira, Vardhamana The Great Hero

Mahavira (which means "great hero") is the name commonly used for the Vardhamana Jain, the main character of their religious development.
Vardhamana was born around 599 BC in India's northeast, in the same area with Gautama Buddha was born, although first generation. Surprisingly, both the livelihoods of many interesting similarities.
Vardhamana youngest child of a leader, and as well as Gautama gelimang raised in luxury. At the age of thirty, he was away wealth, relatives (he had a wife and a daughter), leaving a comfortable environment, and decided to seek the truth and spiritual fulfillment.

Vardhamana became pastor flow Parsvanatha discipline that although a small but very hard rules. For twelve years he was conducting meditation and thought himself, and during the conduct of moral boundaries and live in poverty papaan. Often fasting, no personal property in any form, not a cup or plate for a sip of water and collect a bite of rice given to me. Although initially there was her dress, but then dicampakkannya and walk around in a state of full body naked. He let his body and crawling insects diusirnya not bite even if the animal's skin. India is where the holy men wandering around, entered the village out of the village, jumped the gutter and the gutter, far more than his compatriots in the West. Although the appearance and behavior of Mahavira often cause people temptations, insults, humiliation and gamparan, yet all been swallowed up and diendapnya and no replies.

When reaching age forty-two years, Mahavira decided that he finally has reached the spiritual brightness. He spent the rest of the age of thirty years of preaching and teaching the spiritual deepening the already achieved. When he closed his eyes in the year 527 BC, he had gained many followers.

In some cases the doctrine of Mahavira is very similar to Buddhism and Hinduism. The Jain believes that if the human body dies, the soul is not me-too die with the body but the switch (reincarnation) to another entity (the human body does not need) The doctrine of this migration is one of the basic schools of thought Jainist. Jains also believe in karma, the doctrine of the ethical consequences of a deed will happen to him also in the future. To reduce the increasing burden of sin from the soul thing, that is purified, is the main goal of the Jain religion. Some of Mahavira taught, this can be achieved by way of the fun away. Special for Jain priests, are encouraged to live with the simplicity of implementing strict. It is a glory if someone let him die of hunger keranting dry!

Aspect, Jain religion is very important is the emphasis on the doctrine of ahimsa or non-violence. Jain confirmed that ahimsa non-violence, including attitudes toward animals and humans. As a result of this belief, they are "vegetarian" or just eat plants, including grass and weeds, when hooked. But, faithful adherents to the Jain religion is to do any further than that: mosquitoes that bite the skin is left at will; let hungry, not going to want to eat in the dark. Is not that dark lest can kemasukkan swallowed a fly or a scorpion? So, if you want to sweep the Jain followers he has a street or yard, he'll reach for the bag to do the wages of others, fear of who knows nginjak insects or worms.

Beliefs of this kind, it is clear Jain adherents are expected difficult moved to hoe the ground. On the ground a lot of ants, gasir, crickets and assorted small animals, is not it? Kegencet they could die that! So the fact is the people of Jain was not engaged in agriculture. And much more hand work that is prohibited by their religion. As a result, the Jain religion can serve as an example of how far things can affect the trust's behavior and way of life for citizens. Although they live in the area of agricultural land, the majority of the centuries old Jain adherents engaged in trade. Jain religious attitudes to encourage them to work diligently. As a result, it is not surprising when people are classified Jain and their participation in the arts and intellectual activities of India and prominent enough.

Origin, religion Jain has no caste system. But, thanks to the interaction constant with the Hindu religion, this system was also developed in Jainism, though not as extreme as Hindus. Similarly, although Mahavira himself did not talk about God or the gods, through such contacts that the worship of the gods appear as well. Because no material written by Mahavira, permeation of Hinduism to Jainism can not be avoided. From the other direction there is also influence the entry, namely the influence of Hinduism Jainism. For example, the rejection of Jainism and killing animals to eat meat appear to affect the Hindu religion. Furthermore, the Jain doctrine of "no violence" has become a sustainable impact in the minds of Indians, even down to modern times. For example, very strong Gandhi influenced by the teachings of Shrimad Rajachandra Jain philosopher (1867 - 1900), which he considered one of his teachers or teacher spirituilnya.

Jain religion did not have followers in large numbers. Now all of them in India is only about 2,600,000. This taste is not a large amount in relation to the world population. But, if the combined number of them in the period between the year 2500, of a large number as well. In this setting the significance of Mahavira, one must take into account the Jain religion, which perhaps more than other religions, had a lasting influence on the lives of adherents.
Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Pablo Picasso

Painters always struggled with the general question what the purpose and objective fact that art. Why should it? Is not art then became a dead person? Or toothless? But since the invention of photography, the problem becomes clearer and more urgent. Clearly, the purpose of tracing the artist is not just the landscape. Clever-clever painters like anything was not going to match the portrait,
both good and cheap. Because of that, more than a century has pioneered a series of experiments to confirm the functions and painting something for coverage. In this movement, the boldest, most innovative, the escape away from the arts merely ordinary, and that by itself the most influential, was Pablo Picasso.

Picasso art style admired for imagination, vitality and sensitivity to the outside world. Picasso was a central figure in the development of "Cubism," and he was also famous for kebrilianan brain and technical ability. He generally recognized as the key figures in modern art and one of the most fond of new things from all the artists in past centuries.

Picasso had a perfect ability in painting realistic pictures. if he feels like it should, but, more often again he chose ruffled and changing the face of an object. Once upon a time he said. "If I want to paint the cup, will show you that the round shape, but it was something the general rhythm and force the construction of a painting I showed took the name as a round square."

Y Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in 1881 in the city of Malaga, Spain. Her father was an artist and art teacher. Talent Pablo appeared in the very young age and he has become an excellent painter in teens. In 1904 he settled in Paris and for the next stay in France.

Picasso painting "Girl in Front of the Mirror" perspective penanngan revolutionized modern art. (Size 64 x 51 1 / 4 of oil paint; collection of Museum of Art, New York, Ny gift. Simon Guggenheim.

Picasso's really a very productive artist. During his life as an artist was unusually long - about the time three quarters of a century - he has created more than 20,000 of art separate from each other, averaging more than 5 work week that lasted 75 years! The vast majority of the time, his work has always stood at the front in terms of high prices, because it was Picasso became very wealthy. She died in the town of Mougins, France, in 1973.

In any case, Picasso no doubt a versatile artist who rarely standard appeal. Although primarily a painter's name, he also did a lot of sculptures. Plus, he's ballet stage designer, he wrestled with the art of making pots, leaving a large number of works lithografi, painting over the lines using a pencil or chalk art from many other branches.

But such as artists, Picasso was also interested in earnest on political issues. In fact, masyhurnya picture "Guernica" (1937), inspired by the events in the civil war Spain. Several other works also have political significance.

Many famous artists is marked by a kind of basic styles. Picasso is not the case. He displays a wide space of an amazing variety of styles. Art critics nickname like "blue period," "pink period," "neo-classical period" and so on. He is one of the forerunners of "Cubism," He can come along, sometimes oppose new developments in the world of painting modern painting. Perhaps no artist in history who could do the work with such high quality with a pass so many styles and ways.

Not all the art school has a long-term effects. Although flattered Picasso praised in the 20th century, questionable whether the next centuries later it still penyanjungan could happen, or whether its influence will be destroyed in no time. Obviously, there is no guarantee that convincing to answer such questions. However, a deal of contemporary art critics say that Picasso's influence will still have an important weight in the future. Though clearly, we can not ensure the continuation of significant weight Pablo Picasso as we can do about senirnanseniman tested by the time. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Johannes Kepler, The Inventor Of Satellite-law Of Planetary Motion

The hell with the planet-planet! What the hell he wants to spin, down, crash, falling! But not "hell" for Johannes Kepler, born in 1571 in the town of Weil der Stadt, Germany, the inventor of satellite-law of planetary motion. The discovery of Kepler in only twenty-eight years after the publication of De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium, big book in which contains the Copernican theory that
the planet-planet rotates around the sun rather than around the earth. Kepler studied at the University of Tubingen, earn a bachelor's degree in 1588 and a full bachelor's degree three years later. Generally, the scientists now reject the theory that "heliocentris" Copernicus; but, when Kepler at Tubingen he heard it and heliocentris hypotheses memperincinya with high intelligence, he finally believed it.

After leaving Tubingen, Kepler became professor for several years at the academy in the city of Graz. While teaching he wrote his first book on astronomy (1596). Although Kepler's theory presented in the book was completely off the mark, the book clearly shows Kepler's mathematical ability and purity of mind, so great astronomer Tycho Brahe invited him to be his assistant in the star shots near Prague.

Kepler accept this invitation and join Tycho in January 1600. Tycho died the next year, but Kepler's work presents a good impression in the previous months so that the Holy Roman Emperor - Rudolph II - Tycho replaced immediately appointed him as royal mathematician. Kepler held that position for the rest of his life.

In place of Tycho Brahe, Kepler inherited a huge pile of carefully observed record of satellite-planetary affairs who has worked for years Tycho. Because Tycho - last major astronomer telescope found - also observers who carefully and thoroughly the world has ever known, the notes were very big price. Kepler believed that the record of mathematical analysis enables thorough Tycho determine the conclusion that the theory of planetary motion are true: heliocentris Copernican theory; geocentris Ptolemy's theory that more lamaan; or even a third theory is formulated Tycho themselves. However, after many years did some careful calculations, Kepler with anxiety Tycho found that the observation is not consistent with theories that anywhere!

Finally, Kepler realized that the problem is: he, like Copernicus and Tycho Brahe, and all classical astronomers had suspected that the orbit consists of keplanitan circles or a combination of circles. However, the fact that keplanitan orbit is not circular but rather oval, ellipse.

Even after finding a solution to the subject, Kepler still have to spend months immersed in work calculations are complicated and exhausting to ensure that satisfactory theory Tycho observations. Big book Astronomia Nova, published in 1609, he had served the first part of the two planetary motion laws. Confirms the first law of each planet moves around the sun in orbits oval or ellipse with the sun at one focus. The second law insists that the planet moves faster when closer to the sun; different planetary speed such that the line connecting the planet and the sun during the rotation, meliwati the same broad area in the same period. Ten years later, Kepler's third law issue: the farther the distance of a planet from the sun, the more it took longer to complete the square when perputarannya or planet-planet velocity is directly proportional to the cube of the average distance to the sun.

Kepler's laws, to deliver a complete picture of the subject and the right of the planetary-planetary motion around the sun, the main problem in astronomy, which even by the genius of people like Copernicus and Galileo terliwatkan. Of course, Kepler did not explain why the planet-planet moves in its orbit like that; this problem solved in the next century by Isaac Newton. However, Kepler's laws is a vital precursor for the synthesis of Newton. ( "If I saw it first from someone else," as Newton once said, "is due to my stand on shoulders of giants." No doubt, Kepler was one of the giants that are referred to Newton).

Kepler's contribution to astronomy was almost comparable to Copernicus. And indeed, in some ways the work of Kepler's even more impressive. He is more original, and the difficulties he faced as mathematics mounting. Mathematical techniques at the time of its development is not as perfect as now, and when there was no machine to help Kepler calculator in counting-counting task.

Terms of the importance of Kepler's work, is at first surprising when almost ignored, even by a great scientist like Galileo. (Galileo did not grab the attention of Kepler's laws is staggering because the two men were each corresponding to one another, and also because the work of Kepler may help test the theory of Ptolemy). But if the others a little slow to appreciate the work of Kepler's altitude, it can be understood by Kepler himself.

In a tone burst of joy Kepler writes "... The book has been written! Has dedicated something sacred gift of pleasure. He would read both by people sejamanku or by generation after me. I do not care. It may be that the book had to wait 100 years to find a reader , just as God waited 6000 years of someone who can understand the greatness of his work. "

Although gradually, gradually, after passing several decades, the significance of Kepler's laws became clear to the world of science. In the next century opinions in favor of Newton's theory says that Kepler's laws deduced from those theories. Contrary opinion say, Newton's laws of motion, Newton's law of gravity inferred from Kepler's laws. However, to do so requires that technique, Kepler, fairly easy to catch the problem and proposed that planetary movement is controlled by the energy that comes from the sun.

In addition to law-planet planetary motion, Kepler's donated many small happenings in the field of astronomy. He also made important contributions on the theory of optics. In the old days - too bad - he was plagued by personal problems. Germany sank so chaotic that "thirty years war" and the rare person who can escape from serious difficulties.

One of the problems is about living. Holy Roman Empire late in the payment of his salary, though in a state that is not critical. In a state of war chaotic, Kepler unpaid wages continue. Since Kepler married twice and had twelve children, the difficulty of this money really heavy. Another problem related to her mother who in the year 1620 was arrested for "witches." Kepler much waste of time until finally the mother could be released without torture.

Kepler died in 1630 in Regensburg, Bavaria. In the "thirty-year war" which mengganas it, ransacked his grave. However, the law proved more planitnya movement into lasting memories than a piece of stone.Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Emperor Justinian's

Emperor Justinian's famous for his codification of Roman law which was held in his administration. Justinian Code rescue work of the creative genius of Roman jurisprudence in the subsequent development of a basic law in many European countries. Perhaps, no other legal code that had a long-term impact on the world.
Justinian was born around 483 in the Tauresium now in Yugoslavia.
He is the nephew of Justin I, the Thracian peasants who practically illiterate, who rose through the military career ladder until he reached the top of a ruler of the eastern Roman Empire. Justinian who, though also came from peasant families, get a good education and with the help of his uncle's fast forward. 527 years old, Justin childless raised Emperor Justinian became assistant with him. At the end of the same year Justin died and since then until his own death in 565 Justinian became sole emperor.

476 years, exactly seven years before Justinian was born, western Roman Empire was beaten apart by the onslaught of the German barbarian tribes and the Roman Empire just east of the capital Constantinople remained untouched. Justinian's destined to retake the western empire and the building and did empirium Roman Emperor as a part of its energy terpokok shed for these ideals. In this plan he was partly successful because he could reclaim Italy, North Africa and part of Spain from the disruption the barbarians.

However, the order of Justinian in the list of this book is not dependent on military movements, but on his role in the codification of Roman law. In the early years of 528, the year he ascended the throne, Justinian established a committee set code of imperial law. The first job of this committee was published in 529, then updated and decreed to be law in legislation 534 years. At the same time, all previous orders and rules that are not included in the code declared invalid. "Codex" is a part of the beginners "Corpus Juris Civils." Part two, called "Pandects," or "Digets" is a summary of views about the authors of the famous Roman law. That, too, have a binding effect. The third section, called "Institutes", essentially a standard book for students of law. Finally laws were passed by Justinian after the reception of "Codex" gathered them together into "Novellae" which was published after the death of Justinian.

Of course, due to either busy Justinian in war and in government administration, did not get to personally design "Corpus Juris Civils." Justinian ordered the codification actually worked by the legal scholars under the supervision of judges and lawyers Tribonian.

Justinian, who had a tremendous morale, also devote some attention in the effort to reform public administration procedures, including some who had cleared the movement of corruption among government officials. He gave encouragement to the development of trade and industry, and to intervene in the development plans of public housing. Under his rule, many castles, abbeys, and churches (including the "Hagia Sophia" in Constantinople) built. This housing development plans and wars that led to the launch of an increase in taxes and various dissatisfactions. In the 532 years of the rebellion broke out (Nika uprising) that almost make him lose the throne. After the rebellion was digencet out, practically attains security Justinian crown perched on his head. Even so, at the time of his death in 565 people cheered.

Justinian can be a big moral support from his wife a competent, Theodora. Because it was properly presented here is a little bit about Theodora. Theodora was born around the year 500. In adolescence daughter, Theodora became an actress and became a kind of high-level prostitutes serving only a limited circle. From this work he received a child prostitute. He was twenty years old when she met Justinian, only two years before he ascended the throne. Justinian knowingly poisoned her extraordinary, because it dijadikannya and trusted advisors to various diplomatic duties. She has influence over regulations issued by Justinian, including a few passage of the law that improve the rights and status of women. His death in 548 cancer attack is a great loss for the rest of Justinian, although his reign of seventeen years was recorded successes. Theodora's beautiful and brilliant, constantly subjected to various art work, painted, carved, dipatungkan face.

Placement Justinian in this book is a chronological list of primary importance because "Corpus Juris Civils" enforce his authority back to Roman law inauguration. It's important to make empirium Byzantium for centuries.

In the West it is generally forgotten for about 500 years. But studies in the 1100s revived Roman law, particularly in universities in Italy. During the late Middle Ages, "Corpus Juris Civils' basic foundation in the development of legal systems of continental Europe. The countries that experienced this development is called a Civil Law system, as opposed to "Public Law" (general) that generally applies in the countries that speak English. "Corpus Juris Civils" as a whole is not accepted everywhere. However, some of it incorporated into civil law and in almost all of Europe he became the legal basis of lessons, exercises, and lectures. Because many countries finally accepted a non-European parts of the civil law, pen.garuh "Corpus Juris Civils" really widespread.

Apart from that, a mistake also to exaggerate the significance of Justinian's code. Many important influences others in relation to the development of civil law in addition to "Corpus Juris Civils" this. For example the laws relating to the matter more contracts derived from actual practice of merchants and court decisions from trading rather than Roman law. German law and church law was also influenced by civil law. In modern times - of course - European law and legal system has undergone many improvements. Now, the essence of the general law of civil law in many countries very little in common, with the Justinian code. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Queen Elizabeth I

Throughout the history of England, was Queen Elizabeth I, which is generally considered the most prominent king. Forty-five years of his reign was a time of economic prosperity, development of literature, and the emergence of a British naval force topnotch above the ocean. When the British no longer have kings who stand out, which lifted England emerged into the golden age.
Elizabeth was born in 1533 in Greenwich, England. His father, King Henry VIII, English pioneer round of reform. Her mother, Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry. Anne was beheaded to roll like a grain of roofs in 1536 and several months later issued an announcement that the parliament of the time Elizabeth was three years old as a "child brothel." (This is the general attitude of English Catholics who do not consider valid Henry divorce his first wife). Although there are the curse of parliament, Elizabeth was raised in the royal household and get a good education.

Henry VIII died in 1547 when Elizabeth was aged thirteen years. Eleven years after that there was no English authority which could be considered successful. Edward VI, Elizabeth's half-brother to the throne between the years 1547 to 1553. Under his rule, political obviously pro-Protestant. Queen Mary I reigned five years after it supported the supremacy of the papacy and the Roman Catholic back strengthening. During British rule, the Protestants are pursued and oppressed, even some three hundred followers were executed. (This caused the queen can not pleasant nickname: "the bloody Mary." Elizabeth himself arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London. Though eventually released, his life in recent times was in danger. When Mary died (in 1558) Elizabeth elderly couple twenty-five years to the throne. This gives rise for the brightness of the British population.

Many problems which prevented the young queen was young: the war against France; strained relationship with Scotland and Spain, government monetary conditions, and above all it is a dark cloud hanging religious division in England overhead.

Last crisis is handled first. Shortly after Elizabeth ascended the throne, the law on "Supremacy and Equality" passed in 1559, set the Anglican as the official religion of England. This satisfies moderate Protestants, but the Puritans who wanted more drastic changes. Although the Puritans faced opposition on the one hand and the Catholics on the other hand, during his reign to establish a compromise remain listed in the Act of 1559.

Religious situation becomes complicated by circumstances relating to Mary Queen of Scots. Mary was forced to leave Scotland and fled to England. Back in England he was a prisoner of Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth is not a step on the basis of violence and arbitrarily: Mary Roman Catholic and also had a decent claim to the throne to replace Elizabeth. This means that, if there is a rebellion or a successful assassination, England will have more Catholic queen. During the detention Mary was nineteen years there were a couple of times a plot against her and there was enough evidence of involvement Mary. Finally, in 1587 Mary was sentenced to death. Elizabeth signed the sentence was a little reluctantly. The ministers and MPs generally want to be Mary killed the sooner the better.

Religious conflict actually harm Elizabeth. In 1570 Pope Pius V excommunicated and ordered him to abdicate, and in the year 1580 Pope Gregory XIII issued an announcement that is not sinful to kill Elizabeth. However, it is also beneficial Elizabeth. Throughout his reign, the Protestants seized with fear of the revival of the Catholic religion in England. She showed herself as a shield against that revival. And this is the main source of his popularity among the masses of the major British Protestant it.

Elizabeth's foreign policy to handle it carefully, flexible, and far-sighted. At the beginning of 1560 he completed the "Treaty of Edinburgh" which guarantees a peaceful settlement with the Scots. War with France ended and the relations between the two countries improved. But, gradually, gradually forced the British state was involved confrontation with Spain. Elizabeth tried to avoid war, but for the militant Catholic Spain of the 16th century, the war between Spain and Protestant England hard inevitable. Revolt in the Netherlands against the Spanish rulers are servants of factors: Dutch rebels generally Protestant and Spain boost when rebels, Elizabeth helped the Netherlands, despite the fact that Elizabeth did not have a personal passion to fight. Generally the British people as well as the ministers and the parliament is more eager to lift the arms than Elizabeth. Therefore, when the war with Spain finally broke out also in the year 1580an, Elizabeth gained strong support for the British people.

Elizabeth years diligently to build the British navy, but, King Philip II of Spain was also rushed to build a large fleet - Spanish Armada - to confront the British. Spanish Armada ships had an almost equal number of the British possession, but fewer sailors, more than that, more British sailors trained and the quality of the cannon ships and better weapons. The fight broke out in 1588, and an exciting sea battle that ended with the defeat of the Spanish absolute. As a result of this victory, England became established as a naval power in the world's most thumbs, fixed position he held until the 20th century this.

Elizabeth was always careful in money matters. At the beginning of his reign the British Empire's financial condition was healthy. But of course, argue with the Spanish request expensive and at the end of his administration very poor financial situation. However, despite the poor kingdom, the state of the entire country berkondisi more prosperous than at the time of Elizabeth to attach the crown in him by the forelock.

Elizabeth's reign for forty-five years (from 1558 to 1603) is often considered "the golden Age of England." Some of the famous English writers, including William Shakespeare, lived in that era. She obviously had a stake in this cultural development. He encouraged the theater of Shakespeare against the opposition of local government of London. However, no development of music or a painting that can match the development of literature.

Elizabeth era also saw the rise of English as an explorer. There were repeated trips to Russia and the experiments by Martin Frobisher and John Davis to find a way northwest toward the Far East. Sir Francis Drake sailed around the world (from 1577 to 1580), set foot in California on that trip. There was also a failed experiment (by Sir Walter Raleigh and others) to establish settlements in North America.

Elizabeth biggest deficiency may reluctantly turn provide opportunities for the throne. Not only did she never married, but he always avoided setting a replacement. (Maybe because he was afraid, if he appointed someone to be his successor will soon be a rival). Whatever the reason Elizabeth did not want to mention his successor, if he died young (or at any time before the death of Mary of Scotland), England might have kecemplung in the arena of civil war after the replacement. Good luck for England, she lived until the age of seventy years. On the bed before her spirit flew, he called King James II of Scotland (son of Mary of Scotland) became his successor. Although this means the union between England and Scotland under one crown, this is a confusing choice. Both James and his son Charles I was too authoritarian for British tastes, and in the middle of the century of civil war had erupted.

Elizabeth had the intelligence that exceeds the ordinary person and a skilled politician, firm, has extensive views. Coincided with that he has prudence and conservative. He has aversion to war and bloodshed, although if necessary he could insist. Like his father, he runs the government with parliamentary co-operation rather than against them. Because he was not married, it seems like he's still a virgin dikemukakannya in public. However, not all too true when he considered it the kind of man-hating women. On the contrary, he clearly liked him and liked to hang out with him. Elizabeth has the ability to choose his ministers are incompetent. Some of the results achieved, among others thanks to Williarn Cecil (Lord Burghley), who became the main adviser since 1558 until his death in 1598.

The main points of her success can be summarized as follows First, he led England during the second phase of reform era without significant bloodshed. (In contrast to Germany where thirty-year war (1618-1648) killed more than twenty-five percent of the population, it is striking). Besides him, soothe religious hatred between Catholic and Protestant English English, he managed to also maintain the unity of the nation. Second, forty-five years of his reign - Age Elizabeth - generally considered the golden age of a great nation in the world. Third, is also in his reign England emerged as the main force, which can maintain the position of the next centuries.

Elizabeth position in this book is a chronological list of habits that have come out clearly. In essence, this book is a list of the great innovators, the people who put forward new ideas or bring something changes the situation. Elizabeth was not a reformer, not an innovator, and the line of political policy generally cautious and conservative. Nevertheless, much progress occurred in his reign than is generally realized penguasaa who want progress.

Elizabeth did not try to deal directly with serious issues that are matters of parliament and the royal authority. However, in a way just stand off to be a despot, he may be the main drivers of democratic life in England than he announced a new democratic constitution. She did not seek greatness and also the military sector is not interested in building a large empirium. (Indeed, under Elizabeth, the English did not have the signs of a empirium). However, he left England's strongest Navy in the world and laid the foundations of British empirium that followed.

The greatness of the British overseas empirium obtained after the death of Elizabeth, at least some of biggest. Many people who played an important role empirium British establishment who in some cases can be considered as a reasonable result of European expansion in general and the geographical position of England. Should also be noted that many other European countries berpantaikan Atlantic Ocean (French, Spanish and even Portuguese) also built a large empirium.

Besides, the role of Elizabeth maintaining the threat of Spanish English and easily be exaggerated. If studied, it does not look Spanish never a serious threat to British independence. It must be remembered, the fight between the British fleet against the Spanish Armada did not occur in a short distance. (Not one England lose the ship!). And beyond that, even if Spanish troops had landed in England, is difficult to imagine they can conquer it. Spanish armed forces have never achieved an impressive victory anywhere in Europe. If Spain was not able to quell the rebellion in the Netherlands, it was clear there was no piece of English he could conquer. By the 16th century, English nationalism was much stronger than the possibility of Spain could conquer it.

So where Elizabeth should be placed on the list this book? Basically he was a local character. When compared with Peter the Great of Russia did not seem equal. Judging from Peter's point of fact clearly far more innovative than Elizabeth. I will have difficulty convincing the Russians who have a clear mind that Elizabeth was placed higher in the order of Peter. In contrast, measured from the important role played by England and Englishmen in the centuries after Elizabeth was a mistake to put too far behind Peter. In many ways, it seems clear only a few kings in the history of Elizabeth's had as much success. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Centuries of disagreement lasted about copyright Homer's poems. When, where, and how the Iliad and the Odyssey was created?
To what extent the poem was leaning on the composition before? Is Iliad and Odyssey composed by the same person? Is one of them composed by only one author? Perhaps no one like Homer and his poems were developed through the aggregation
process is so slow, or is prepared by a group of processors that a joint mencomotnya poems written by many different poets. Scholars who waste time in years investigating this issue does not come to terms with one another; then how can someone who is not a classical scholar to know the proper answer? Of course, I do not know the answer; even so, to determine where Homer placed in proper chronological list of this book, I made the following estimates.

The first estimates are, it is true there was a main author Iliad. (The reason, is too great if the work was compiled by a group of people!). In the centuries before Homer, many poems about the shorter the same problem composed by Greek poets, and Homer took a lot of their work. However, Homer did more than just assembling the Iliad of short poems that have been there before. He chose, he set, he perfected the words and add to it and finally complete a final result with the genius of literary talent. Homer, who produces great works, may live in the 8th century BC although many consider records earlier than that. I also predict that the same person is the primary author of Odyssey. Although the argument (based in part from differences in style) that the two poems composed by authors who have different equivalent power, overall similarities between the two poems are far more important than the differences.

From what has been presented, it became obvious how little can be known about Homer's own affairs, and there is no biographical data about him. There is a very ancient tradition of solid, dating from the early Greeks, that Homer was blind. But the greatness that was a visual representation of the two poems shows if Homer was blind anyway, is not blind from birth was taken. The language of the poem shows that Homer came from Ionia, the area east of the Aegean sea.

Despite apparently believe that so long and so carefully the composition of a poem can be created without writing, many intellectuals seem to agree that poetry is at least the beginning and maybe even all, is the composition of the oral (oral). It is not certain when poetry was first written into the text. Consider the terms of its length (the combined total nearly 28,000 verses), it seems rather difficult to imagine that poetry can be carefully removed so except if it is written in a period of time not so long after its original creation. In an event, before the 6th century BC, the poem was already considered great classics, and biographical information about Homer is gone. After that, the Greeks always considered Odyssey and the Iliad is the work of high terjunjung nation. Interestingly, during the period between the centuries and all the changes in style that has happened, the reputation of Homer never become extinct.

Judging from Homer's fame and high reputation, with the thought that dag-dig-dug me put Homer in the sequence numbers so low. This and similar reasons I do well against the general figures of art and literature. Place them in the order of this list, low. In the case of Homer, the difference in the difference between reputation and influence seems greater. Though his work is often studied in school, in today's world very few people read Homer once they leave high school or college for. This is a big different with the drama of Shakespeare and read poems and his plays are often staged by getting enough visitors. As a result, completely different.

And Homer was not widely cited. Although the quote is in the works of Homer Barlett, very little used in everyday conversation. Not only different from Shakespeare, is also different from writers such as Benjamin Franklin or Omar Khayyam. Sentences like "penny saved is a penny earned", which is often called, may in fact influence one's personal attitude, an attitude and even the smells of a political decision. Had nothing to do with Homer's what many people now quoted.

If the case, what Homer for inclusion in the list order this book? There are two reasons. The first reason, the number of people who grew over the centuries either heard or read the works of Homer really did much. In the world of the past, Homer's poem is much more popular than now. In Greece, his work was so familiar with the general population, and in a very long period of influence of religion and ethical attitudes. Odyssey and the Iliad is not only famous in intellectual literary circles, but also in the military and political leaders as well. Many of the old Roman leader cites Homer, Alexander the Great even tucks a copy of Iliad diketiaknya during combat. Even now, Homer is the author as idol at school, and generally we've read his work (at least in part) for the school.

Even more important, perhaps, Homer's influence on literature. All the poets of classical Greece and drama writers are very badly affected Homer. Figures such as Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristotle - just mention a few examples - immersed in the tradition of Homer, and it took a brilliant idea from the literature.

Homer's influence on ancient Roman authors clearly large. All received her poems as a measure of perfection. When Virgil - often considered the greatest Roman writers - to write his great work he's Aeneid and the conscious self confidence menyontoh Iliad and Odyssey excellence.

Even in modern times was, in fact every important writers influenced by Homer directly or by writers such as Sophocles and Virgil are both highly influenced by Homer. There was no writer in the history of influence so widespread and so long term.

The most recent problem is probably a very complicated. During the last hundred years, very likely more influential Tolstoy and his work more widely read person than Homer. But Tolstoy did not have any influence during the 26th century, while the influence of Homer has been continued for 2700 years or more. It really is a very long time. As a result, Homer was not easily matched by literary figures, even by people who work in any field.Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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John Dalton, The British scientist

John Dalton was the British scientist who in the early 19th century, put forward the hypothesis of atoms into the science arena. With this act, he presents the key ideas that enable major advances in the field of chemistry since that time.
To be clear, he was not the first person to assume that all material objects consist of a large number of very small particles and not destroyer
called atoms. This opinion has been filed by the ancient Greek philosopher, Democritus (360-370 BC?), Maybe even early again. The hypothesis was accepted by Epicurus (Greek philosopher others), and brilliantly put forward by Roman writers, Lucretius (died 55 BC), in which he has a famous poem "De rerum natura" (About the nature of things).

The theory of Democritus (who is not accepted by Aristotle) is not ignored people during the Middle Ages, and have little influence on science. Even so, some leading scientists of the 17th century (including Isaac Newton) supports a similar opinion. However, no atomic theory proposed or used in scientific investigation. And more importantly, no one who saw a connection between philosophical speculation about the atom with the real things in the field of chemistry.

That is the situation when Dalton appeared. He presents "quantitative theory" a clear and straight that can be used in the interpretation of chemical experiments, and can be tested directly in the laboratory.

Although the terminology is slightly different from the one we use now, Dalton clearly express the concept of atoms, molecules, elements and chemical mixtures. He was clear that although the total number of atoms in the world so much, but the number of various different types rather small. (The book notes the original 20 elements or groups of atoms; now slightly over 100 elements are known).

Despite differences of different types of heavy atoms, Dalton still think that every two atoms of similar groups is the same in all of its quality, including the "mass" (the quantity of material in an object measured by resistance to change in motion). Dalton put in his book that records a list of the relative weight of various types of atoms are different, the first list of people who had prepared and the key to any quantitative theory of the atom.

Dalton also explained clearly that each of two molecules of the same chemical combination consists of a combination of similar atoms. (For example, each molecule "nitrous oxide (N2O) consists of two nitrogen atoms and one oxygen atom). From here to form a chemical combination of certain things - no matter how prepared or where it obtained - always consist of the same elements in the proportion of completely equal weight. This is the "law of proportion must be," which have been found in eksperimentil by Joseph Louis Proust first few years.

Dalton was so convincing I present the theory, so that within twenty years he was accepted by the majority of scientists. Furthermore, chemical experts, the program proposed by the book: specify the precise relative atomic weight; chemical analysis of the combined weight; determine the right combination of atoms that make up each group of molecules that have a common feature. The success of this program is certainly remarkable.

List of Dalton's atomic weights
It is excessively difficult to express the significance of the atomic hypothesis. This is the central opinion in our understanding of the field of chemistry. Additionally, it is essential from the general introduction of modern physics. Just because peratoman problems so often discussed before Dalton so he could not place higher in the order of this book list.

Table elements and combinations of John Dalton
Dalton was born in 1766 in the village of Eaglesfield in the North of England. Formal school only ended when a new age of seven years, and he was almost entirely self-taught in science. He was a young man who always understood something earlier than the average normal person, and when he reached the age of twelve she had become a teacher. And he became a teacher or private teacher for most of his life. When he was fifteen years increased he moved to the town of Kendal, the age of twenty-six to Manchester and stayed there until the breath out of his throat in 1844. May need to know, he never married.

Dalton became interested in meteorology in 1787 when he was twenty one years. Six years later he published a book on the subject. Investigations of atmospheric air and generate interest in the gas quality in general. With a series of experiments, he found two laws that control the behavior of gases. First, Dalton presented in 1801, asserted that the volume of gas is filled proporsiona1 with temperature. (This is commonly known as "Charles Law" after the French scientist who discovered a few years before Dalton, but failed to publish the results of the investigation). Second, also served in 1801, known as "Dalton's law" of pressure parts per part.

By the year 1804, Dalton had formulated a theory he has prepared a list of atoms and atomic weight. However, the main book A New System of Chemical Philosophy, published in 1808 only. This book made him famous, and in subsequent years, interest sows award above his head.

By coincidence, Dalton suffered a type of color blindness disease. The situation is even aroused the desire him. He studied the problem, and publish scientific papers about the color blind, a topic which was written the first time! Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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Meng-tse (Mencius)

Chinese philosopher Meng-tse (Mencius) is a replacement Kong Hu-Cu. Teachings, such as what is laid out in the book Book of Mencius, highly prized in China for centuries. He is often dubbed "The Second Sage," the wise man, which dropped its policy Kong's number two after the Hu-Cu-term difference to him about 2000 years.
Meng-Tse was born around 371 BC in a small country Tsou,
who is now in the province of Shantung. Period he was born, Chou dynasty final act, called by the Chinese with the nickname "The war of the country," since China is politically divided at that time. Meng-Tse, even though he is behind the tradition-Kong Hu Cu and always be a staunch supporter of the theories and ideas-Kong Hu Cu, finally respected as scholars and philosophers over the creation and work of thought itself.

Meng-tse spent much of his adult life traveling around the country in China and offer advice to the various authorities. Some authorities listened respectfully to him, and for a while he became Ch'i government officials, but across the board he did not have a permanent position or the decision maker. In the year 312 BC, when he was about fifty-nine years, he returned to his village in the country Tsou and settle down there until death. When did he die not clear, probably around the year 289 BC.

Meng-tse gathered followers during his lifetime, but his influence over China in part because terpokok Book of Menciusnya, which listed its teachings. Although the book could have experienced various improvements by his followers, very little doubt that the basics reflect ideas Meng-tse himself.

Image Book of Mencius colored idealistic and optimistic, reflecting strong confidence Meng-tse that human nature is basically good: in many respects, his political ideas are similar to Hu-Cu Kong; specifically, Meng-tse believe it is true that a king should govern the first - primarily by moral example rather than by force. However, Meng-tse closer to the "common property" than the Hu-Cu Kong. "The sky look like the people saw the sky as people hear hear," is one of the best statement.

Meng-tse stressed that the most important component of each country is the people, not rulers. Is the duty of the authorities promote the welfare of the people; in particular he must give the people moral guidance and with the proper conditions for life. Among the government policy he recommended: free trade; minor tax; conservation of natural resources; equal distribution of wealth than the current situation and the government supplies for the welfare of old people and the poor elderly. Meng-tse believe that the power of a king comes from the sky but a king who ignored the welfare of the people will lose the "mandate of heaven," and would properly be overthrown. Since the last part of the sentence that erodes the first part, Meng-tse basically emphasizes (long before John Locke), that the people have a right to rebel against an unjust ruler. This is an idea widely accepted in China.

Now talking in general, throughout most of the historical, political types are recommended Meng-tse is more popular among the people than among the authorities. Therefore do not be surprised if Meng-tse proposal is not accepted by the Chinese authorities at the time. But the way the time, his views became increasingly popular among scholars Kong Hu-Cu and among the Chinese people. Reputation Meng-tse, who was high, even a larger one in China is accompanied by the rise of neo-Confucianisme in the 11th century and the 12th.

In the West, of course, Meng-tse had no significant effect. This is caused partly by the fact that he wrote in Chinese. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tze is written in Chinese which practically coincided with the Book of Mencius, had been translated into various European languages a few times only because many people find the ideas presented in the book are curious. But relatively few Westerners have discovered Book of Mencius, the original special, or the mutilated.

Maybe it sounds interesting for the government to involve itself in the welfare of elderly and the poor and deformed; also sounds interesting to get a tax break. However, an American politician who announced that he supports both the political without a more specific explanation is unlikely to gain the trust of support by both liberal and conservative parties. Similarly, Meng-tse shows on the one hand he sided with the distribution of wealth and on the other hand showed his approval of free trade and lower taxes without a solution to the problem of how far the possibility of conflict between the two goes political. This may sound a bit dishonest for Meng-tse who nevertheless do not be a candidate for parliament. This may be expressed by a philosopher who presents a series of proposals virtue (though some are not consistent) in general, even if he did not specifically indicate how the conflict between two principles are solved. However, in the long run, a philosopher like Machiavelli, who express a clear choice instead of Meng-tse had a greater influence on the human mind.

However, the writings of Meng-tse has strongly influenced the Chinese people. Although the importance of not approaching greatness Confucianisme like St. Paul to Christianity (in one case Meng-tse lack the ability to persuade extraordinary that there is at St. Paul to attract people embrace pahamnya), he no doubt a writer who had a profound influence. During the roughly twenty-two centuries, his ideas learned in all areas with a population of more than 20% of the world. Only a few philosophers of any such influence the size. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.

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