Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Whose name was certainly smart scientist. If not, why is called a scientist? But Archimedes - according to the size of the old world - not just smart but smarter smartest in the field, the field of mathematics. He is sometimes considered the inventor of the lever principle and the concept of specific gravity.
But the fact is that the lever has been known and
used centuries before any of Archimedes. Apparently he was the first person to clearly explain the formulas of things even though the lever machine engineers have repeatedly and able to use the lever long before Archimedes.

The concept of density (weight per volume unit) of an object as opposed to the overall weight of an object seems to have known before Archimedes and the crown (the story of her leap from the bath and ran along the street, shouted "Eureka"), what is found in Archimedes are not new but merely overt use of concepts already known to something specific problems.

As a mathematician, Archimedes no doubt is leading. The proof, he nearly came to formulate an "integral calculus," more than eighteen centuries before Isaac Newton managed to do it. Unfortunately, the system is easy to describe the symbols of the number is still less at the time of Archimedes. Similarly, unfortunately, no successor is qualified enough as a mathematician. As a result, Archimedes' mathematical cleverness view becomes less and less power as before.Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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