Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thomas Aquinas Italian philosopher

Thomas Aquinas Italian philosopher famous for his theological writings, especially writings of his Summa Theologia statements that may have the greatest power in the weight of Catholic theological doctrine that never existed.
Nothing wrong if you say, no one ever philosophical system which worked so complete and so detailed and careful consideration so as performed by Thomas Aquinas.
The reader, Even if does not agree with the assumption or kongklusi Aquinas, yet can not help but be impressed with the greatness of this man. However, some of Aquinas's writings contain abstract and metaphysical issues that lay not see the practical meaning. He questioned ethical questions, too. However, his writings, although he sistematiskan Catholic beliefs before, did not reflect major changes in the ideals of ethics or political views. It also seems the readers of Aquinas's writings not necessarily be Catholics or Christians.Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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