Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ferdinand Magellan's

Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan's expedition leaders heralded as the first round of the universe. Expedition may be the greatest journey in the history of mankind. Number of time the whole trip includes a little less than three years. Of the five small boats, the slow, fragile Magellan used, only one ship capable of returning to Europe safely and the 265 sailors who participate,
only 18 are left alive! Magellan himself sorang including one who died on the way (even after he was beyond the moment of the most difficult and dangerous). But in the end the expedition was doing well, and bring evidence that the world is really round.

It is clear, the success of this expedition in essence related to the leadership of Magellan with a steely determination. Many men who wanted to come back after taking the cruise only a few months, and of course the Magellan could not have to suppress their rebellion intentions and determined to continue his intentions. Combination of skill and steadiness determination make him a sailor and explorer considered the greatest of all sailors, navigators who ever lived.

Real influence of what actually accomplish little. The Europeans have the same educated merely knowing this is the earth round, not square is not flat nor as a board. And Magellan route nor a trade route is important. Nothing like a trip Vasco da Gama, Magellan travel no major impact both for Europe and the East. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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