Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Egyptian King Khufu

Egyptian King Khufu (Cheops in Greek name) is remembered for building the giant pyramids in Giza, which seems destined tomb was built. When is birth and death no one knows, but he's generally considered to live in a period of twenty-six centuries before Christ. What we know, its capital at Memphis, Egypt, and he sat on the throne for a long time, but the lives of others very little was revealed.

Appears to be safe if we say that the pyramid is a pyramid-good giant's most famous and most impressive is the building ever built man. Even in ancient times he was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Although the other six are so messy debris, a giant pyramid upright stand, a fascinating memories for the king, who made him.

Perfection construction and custom sizes out really impressive. Although the foot at the very top had been destroyed, their height was reached 450 feet, about as tall as 35 story building! Roughly 2,300,000 stone blocks, each block weighs around 2.5 tonnes used for the pyramid. Because it had a giant pyramid chambers devices inside and alleyways, the stone which consists of various sizes, adding complex pembikinannya work.

Somehow the way the Egyptians working in the forty-six centuries ago without modern equipment or machinery, but still able to make such a building, really dark! Actually building it requires very careful planning and excellent administrative ability to explore the national resources for the success of a huge task like that. If we agree on a general allegation that it takes twenty years, naturally we have to imagine no less than approximately 300 blocks of stone arranged each day. Clearly, to form blocks of stone and carry it to the compilation of the pyramid, cut to fit exactly as required and place them in the proper position, really a duty "crazy." The entire fleet should be mobilized to carry blocks of stone, and planned supply system is needed to feed the "army of workers" who are involved in the project.

The giant pyramid has survived for 4500 years straight, and probably still erect such buildings, although modern buildings have fallen apart so long rubble and ashes. Building pyramids was not really terusakkan! Even if an atomic bomb hit right to him, he would not be erased. Of course, bit by bit. he will riddled era. However, until now, erosinya levels are still allowed to survive until more than a million years.

Because it is clear, Cheops as the person who left a large legacy for the world, has gained eternal fame, fame may overcome anyone who has ever lived on the earth's surface. (Can Napoleon or Alexander the Great was remembered though only 10,000 years to come?). However, fame far different from what is called "influence". Although Cheops had influence over the Egyptians who lived in his era, he did not have any influence either on the outside world and the days afterward. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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