Sunday, December 20, 2009

Johann Gutenberg, Inventor of Print Engine

Commonly considered the inventor Johann Gutenberg printing press. What he did was develop the first method of printing with an impression of movement and in a way that the various types of written material can be printed quickly and accurately.
There was no finding that jumped from a person's thoughts, even the printing press. Seals and seal points to the beginning of a process similar to block printing was known in China for centuries before the birth of Gutenberg, and some data suggest that in 868, a printed book was discovered in China. A similar process is known in Europe before Gutenberg. Print to print the blocks copies of certain books. This process has one big disadvantage: for a whole new wooden or metal cukilan should be a book in itself is not practical to print a wide variety of books.
Often called the most important contribution was the invention of Gutenberg's printing area that can move. In this case the same have already discovered in China around the mid-11th century AD by a man named Pi Sheng. The letters of the original impression of a sort of land that may not last long. Meanwhile, some Chinese and Koreans have a number of improvements and work long before Gutenberg. Korean People using metal block printing, and the Korean government helped a smelter to produce printed in the early 15th century AD Besides all this, it is also wrong to think that Pi Sheng had a special influence. At the first level, Europeans do not learn to print letters to move from China, but in his own creation. Secondly, the impression from the printing movement is not generally used in China itself, until recently modern printing procedures when they learned of the West.
There are four essential components of modern printing. First, print the motion, after some adjustment procedures and placement of letters established. Secondly, the printing press itself. Third, matching the ink to produce prints. Fourth, the materials such as paper for printing. Paper that has been discovered in China long before the printing press by Tsai Lun and its use is widespread in Europe before the days of Gutenberg. That is the only element of the Gutenberg printing process that is ready for. Although others have done any work on each component, but Gutenberg had made several successful improvements. For example, he developed a metal alloy of the letter block, poured the liquid metal to block correct and precise printing, printing inks and oil pressure tools needed for printing.
Gutenberg's printing machines
However, the contribution of Gutenberg as a whole is greater mind than anyone else in terms of improved printing. Its importance lies in its success primarily combines all the elements of the press in a system of effective and productive. Therefore, the press, unlike other inventions before, is a process of mass production of large. A firearm for himself much more efficient than a bow and arrow. A book can not print a lot different from a handwritten book. Excess impression therefore is in terms of large-scale production. What has been developed by Gutenberg was not a device or a discovery of reason, not just a series of improvements, but an entire production process.
Biographical Treasury Gutenberg about you so rare that only know he was born in Germany around 1400 AD in the city of Mainz. Contribution to the art of printing took place in mid-century and terbagusnya work - what is called the Gospel of Gutenberg - printed in Mainz around 1454 BC Curiously, the Gutenberg name was never mentioned in any book, nor in the Gospel of Gutenberg, although he clearly printed through discovery.
Gutenberg did not seem to be an entrepreneur, which actually did not want money from the invention. He is often involved in court charges resulting from the need for him to pay a ransom in the form of supplies of equipment to his friend named Johann Fust. Gutenberg died in 1468 in Mainz.
One page of the Gutenberg Bible from the original
One of Gutenberg's influence in world history can be profitable if they are associated with development in China and Europe in the coming period. At the time of Gutenberg was born, the two regions were almost the same feed. But after Gutenberg invented the printing press quickly pounced Europe, while China - which still uses the block print - developed a bit slow. Perhaps too much to say that the development of printing was the only factor that causes differences in the level of progress, but the results clearly have an important meaning that can not be excluded.
It is also important to consider if only three people in this list of books live in the five centuries before Gutenberg, while only sixty-seven live in the five centuries after Gutenberg's death. This shows how great the Gutenberg invention of media - it may even be called a breakthrough - for the withdrawal of the advance of activation of the revolution of modern Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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