Saturday, December 26, 2009

Joseph Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili

Its original name was long and not easy to remember: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili. The world knew her by Joseph Stalin, who for years was the Soviet dictatorship of the proletariat. Born in 1879 in the town of Gori, Georgia in the Caucasus and Georgia native language too, which is far different from Russian. Only later studied Russian language, but each way, Georgianya accent never gone.
He grew up in an atmosphere of poor papa. His father carpenter who likes to shoe soles drunk and her son until menggebuki twist. Drunkard father died when eleven-year-old Iosif. As young Iosif church school in the town of Gori and after the teens hit him in theological seminary in Tiflis. However, in 1899 he was kicked out of seminary for allegedly "spreading subversive thoughts." So join it with underground Marxist movement, and in the year 1903, when there are divisions within the party, he sided with the Bolsheviks. Until 1917 he was a staunch party member and active, was arrested no less than six times. (However, penalties are generally not heavy on him. More than once he tried to escape from custody.'s Allegations, there was a brief period where he actually is a double agent). In this period that he began to use pseudonyms-catching and suitable: Stalin, who made of steel.

Stalin did not hold a crucial role in the revolution of 1917. However, he was very active within the next two years, and in 1922 he became Secretary General of the Communist Party. This position wide open opportunity for him to use influence on the course of the administration party and is a major factor in the struggle to the summit of power after Lenin died.

Obviously, Lenin's successor likely to Leon Trotsky. In fact, in his political testament of Lenin insisted that Stalin was too harsh and should be removed from the position of Secretary General of the party. However, after Lenin's dead in early 1924, Stalin replaced Lenin as testament to hide. Furthermore, Stalin managed to join forces with Lev Kamenev and Grigori Zinoviev, two important members of the politburo, and form a troika or Triumvirate. Together they managed to defeat Trotsky and his followers. Then Stalin - a genius in terms of shear-sliding fight in groups - turned against Zinoviev and Kamenev and their second away. After successfully defeating "left-wing opposition" (eg: Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and followers) in the struggle for power, Stalin continued to accept some proposals of their politics. Shortly thereafter, Stalin was facing "right wing" of the Communist party - his temporary ally - and beat them too. By the early 1930s, he had become sole dictator of the Soviet Union.

From the powerful position of this, starting in 1934, Stalin launched a series of purges. Events that could be considered at least the beginning of the cleanup action is murder happened on December 1, 1934 upon Sergei Kirov, the Communist high officials and one of Stalin's advisers. Most likely, Stalin himself who ordered the murder, partly to get rid of Kirov, but it seems more intended to hide the cleaning steps further.

Subsequent years, a large number of people who had been a Communist party leader figure in the 1917 revolution, and those who are under the rule of Lenin, Stalin accused traitors and punished. Many of them are doing an open confession before the court of the people. This is the same as for example Thomas Jefferson, when he became president, captured the majority of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence and to punish them after they "confessed" in front of the general court. In 1938, those who headed the beginning of the release step, Genrikh Yagoda, also brought to trial, admitted that he had betrayed and executed immediately. Nicolai successor Yehzov also suffered a similar fate.

Cleanup in the mid-1930s extended to the whole body of the Communist Party and the Armed Forces, and the cleaning was not merely directed to the problem of anti-Communist and counter revolutionary. Stalin was more successful in killing the Communists than by the police Czar himself. For example, the members of the Communist Party Central Committee which was elected in 1934, more than two-thirds were killed at the time of the next cleaning. Of these measures is clear, Stalin's main motive is to open the possibility for him to establish an independent force in the country. Ironically, just as the great-great cleaning is a new constitution issued a Stalin of the Soviet Union called democratic.

Among the economic policy was affirmed Stalin forced collectivization of agriculture; politics very unpopular among farmers and many of them opposed it. In the early 1930s, with Stalin's orders, millions of peasants were killed or left to die of starvation. And in the end of this political work. Economically, the agricultural sector of the Soviet Union practically retarded since then.

Another is political Stalin encouraged rapid industrialization. This is accomplished in part through a series of "Five-Year Development Plan" which later was adopted by many countries outside the Soviet Union. In addition to lack of various efesienan, Stalin's industrialization policy could almost bring improvement and success. Although the amount of material loss suffered by the Soviet Union in World War 2, Soviet Union out of the war as the country's second largest industry in the world.

Month of August 1939 Hitler and Stalin signed the agreement "not to attack each other" famous. Within two weeks, Hitler invaded Poland from the west, and a few weeks later the Soviet Union invaded from the east side, and occupied part of it. At the end of the same year the Soviet Union that threatens three independent countries: Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia by force of arms. All three surrendered without resistance and incorporated into the Soviet Union's territory. Similarly, some regions of Romania were included in the territory. Finland opposed the threat, but ultimately the Soviet Union invaded and occupied. The reason the Soviet Union carried out the attack because it is the areas that needed to defend itself from the possibility of attack from Nazi Germany. However, after the war ended and completely defeated the Nazis, Stalin did not release the grip on those areas. (The same is done also by his successors).

At the end of World War 2, Soviet Army occupied large parts of Eastern Europe and Stalin's use this opportunity to make these areas the Communist country under Soviet influence. Marxist Government also appeared in Yugoslavia, but because there are no Russian troops, Yugoslavia is not a satellite of Russia. Should not prevent countries other Communist Yugoslavia followed, Stalin took the security measures necessary. Not long after the end of World War 2, start to act "cold war" between the Soviet Union and the United States. Although Truman and the leaders of Western countries also owns stock options in the start of the cold war, can not doubt that Stalin's role bigger than them.

Month of January 1953 the Soviet government announced that a group of doctors have been arrested on charges of murder against officer-level Russian officials. This seems to be Stalin's plan also to do the next clearing. However, on March 5, 1953, 73-year-old dictator had died in the palace of the Kremlin, Moscow. Stalin's body lay beside Lenin in the mausoleum in Red Square. However, in subsequent years (especially after Khrushchev's speech in February 1956), Stalin's reputation was dragged down by fierce in the Soviet Union. Destalinisasi implemented on a large scale.

Stalin familial life is not too happy and successful. She married in 1904, but three years after his wife died of suffering from lung disease. Only child - Jacob - German arrested when World War 2. German exchange offer but the offer was rejected Stalin, and Jacob died in concentration camps. Stalin married for the second time in 1919. This was his second wife died in 1932. There was news he killed himself, but other rumors say that Stalinlah kill or at least let him get killed. There are two children from this second marriage. Son, a Russian Air Force officer, a drunkard, and died in 1962. His daughter, Svetlana, was expelled from the Soviet Union and in 1967 arrived in the United States.

The main character is a ruthless Stalin. None was a sense of compassion, like a hard rock melted. Always in a state of suspicion, close to paranoia. On the other side, he was a capable: resilient, strong will, strong stance, arrogant, and have the intellect of extraordinary strength.

As a dictator for about a quarter of a century, Stalin's influence was pervasive in almost all aspects of life. Judging from the balance between personal control power with the number of people below him and his reign, Stalin was bisalah considered the thumb of a dictator in history (though debatable Mao Tse Tung had a strong equal weight). In his lifetime, Stalin sent millions of people to the afterlife, or to camps labor. (There is no way of knowing exactly how many people who become victims of killer broom movement, but may move in sekifar twenty million people).

I can not doubt, short-term effects teramatlah strong, but not yet certain how the long term. For example, since the death of Stalin, the secret police of iron restraints against the Russian population is very much reduce. Although the Soviet Union was behind the United States in terms of political and civil liberties and other Western democratic countries, there is now no longer a totalitarian state like period under Lenin until replaced by Stalin.

Satellite countries of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe seems steady, but could not predict how long tahannya. Many examples in the history of how powerful states to establish state "protective" for his safety under the influence. Generally, countries that do not become subordinate to the country an unlimited period: or he entered fully into the realm of power who control the country, or so free himself. Because not there were signs of the Soviet Union will put them into the area, they likely will be a truly free country in this century. (On the other hand, the control of the Communist countries like East Germany and Bulgaria will take longer).

Borders of the Soviet Union itself expanded under Stalin's rule, although it must be remembered always Russian border back and forth over the centuries. What is clear areas of the Soviet Union is now smaller than Russia under the Czar in 1879 when Stalin was born into the world.

Stalin is often credited mengindustrialisir Russia. It was the mention of this excess. First, obviously the Soviet Union would do without the industrialization of Stalin himself. Second, although Stalin was a driving force of the acceleration of industrialization, he's certainly not a real beginner. (Russian Czar era in the year 1914 was an industrial country in the world's fifth).

On the other hand, agricultural pengkolektifan Soviet Union would never have materialized without drastic changes made Stalin. In this regard, the wisdom of Stalin's political influence far as follows:

Stalin had a crucial role in the spread of Communism throughout the world. This fact is an objective truth. It is thanks to the efforts of Stalin Communism strongly embedded in the satellite countries in Eastern Europe, but in China the hard work done extraordinary Mao Tse Tung is a factor that can not be ignored. Overall I would have thought that Marx and Leninlah have the largest stake in the spread of Communism throughout the universe. However, even if Stalin did not parallel its importance compared to Marx, Lenin and Mao Tse Tung, yet could not but he is one of the giants in history, a ruthless genius who can not forget the history for granted. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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