Saturday, December 26, 2009

William Harvey, Discoverer Of Blood Circulation And Heart Function

Famous English physician William Harvey, discoverer of blood circulation and heart function, was born in 1578 in the town of Folkstone, England. Famous book An Anatomical Treatise on the Movement of the Heart and Blood in Animals (Motion automated cardiac anatomy and blood of animals), published in 1628, exactly if it is an important book on the history of physiology. Indeed, the fact is the starting point the birth of modern physiology. Its main significance lies not in immediate use, but in laying the basic understanding that explains how the human body works.

For now we are raised with the knowledge of blood circulation, will consider Harvey's theory as something completely obvious. But, what now seems so simple and obvious, is not the case for the past era biologists. Leading writers in the field of biology has explained the various opinions, among other things: (1) food converted into blood in the heart; (2) heart warming food; (3) the blood vessels of the heart to the body filled the air; (4) heart makes " vital spirit "; (5) of blood, both in vessels of the heart and the ebb and flow to the heart and often used away from the heart.

Galen, the great physician in earlier times, people who personally examined and reflect carefully about the heart and blood vessels, had never guessed that the blood circulates. This also escaped him in spite of Aristotle's main interest to biologists. Even after the publication of Harvey's book was a lot of doctors are reluctant to accept the opinion that the blood in the human body is still rotating in the channel at a fixed system, and provide energy to the heart blood flow.

Harvey first to develop opinions about the blood circulation by making the calculation is simple arithmatik. He estimates that the amount of blood emitted by each pulse of about 2 ounces. Because the heart beats 72 times per minute, sum can be concluded about 540 pounds emitted per hour of blood into the aorta. However, the amount that exceeds the amount of 540 pounds weight of a normal human being, even far exceed the number of weight loss itself. Therefore, Harvey make clear that the same blood regularly rotates through the heart. After formulating this hypothesis, nine years he used to perform experiments and conduct thorough investigations to determine the details of circulation.

In his book, Harvey clearly states that the arteries carry blood from the heart while veins carry blood back to the heart. Because of the absence of a microscope, Harvey could not see the capillaries, the smallest blood vessel that carries blood from the smallest arteries to the veins, but with exactly he concluded there was. (Capillary discovered by Malpighi Italian biologist, several years after the death of Harvey).

Harvey also pointed out that the function of the heart is pumping blood into the arteries. In this aspect - as well as the importance of the opinions of others - Harvey's theory completely correct. Furthermore he presents the results of a very valuable experiment with good reason strut. Although Harvey's theory was initially fiercely challenged, but in the end his theory accepted.

Harvey is also involved in the field embryologi, although less important than the investigation in terms of circulation, is not something that should be ignored. He was a careful observer, and his book On the Generation of Animals (About the world generations of animals) which was published in 1651 showed the true beginning of embryologi science. Like Aristotle, the very strong influence, Harvey rejected the theory that the overall structure of the body of a young animal with any adult animals, with differences only in size. Harvey rightly proclaimed the final structure of a growing embryo stage by stage.

Harvey most of his life filled with happiness, success, and interesting. In her teens entered the University of Cambridge. In 1600 he went to Italy to study medicine at the University of Padua, who was arguably the best medical schools in the world. (Please note, Galileo became professor there when Harvey studied there, although not certain whether they ever met face). He graduated in Padua in 1602, back to the UK, running for a long time medical practice, and successful. Among many patients there are two kings of England (James I and Charles I), do not miss the famous philosopher Francis Bacon. As he was, he taught at the medical college in London and had been elected president of the refuse. And in addition to private practice, he became chief physician at Hospital St. Bartholomew, London. When his book about the blood circulation was published in 1628, suddenly his name famous throughout Europe. He was married, but had no children. At the age of seventy-six years he closed his eyes in London. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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