Alexander the Great, Conqueror of The World
Alexander the Great, conqueror of the world famous past Pello was born in the year 356 BC, the capital of Macedonia. His father, King Philip II of Macedonia has an ability and farsighted. Philip zoom in and organizing the Armed Forces of Macedonia and turn it into a fighting force of high quality. The first time you use this option the Army is the time he conquered the area around the north until he came to Greece, then turned south and conquered almost all of Greece. Then Philip federated Greek cities, and he himself became the leader. When he designed a plan more attacks on the Persian Empire was vast in the east of Greece, even the invasion has already begun in the year 336 BC, Philip terbunul, when he was only forty-six years.
Alexander aged only twenty years old when his father died but he was replaced without difficulty to the throne. Philip carefully jauhjauh days have made preparations for his successor and the young Alexander had the knowledge and considerable military experience. In the case of intellectual education is not to ignore any Philip. Teachers make Alexander provided a special father: Aristotle, one that most scholars and perhaps the most famous philosopher in the world of that time.
Both in Greece and the areas north hemisphere, the population of the conquered Philip at Philip's death is a great opportunity to block and subvert the power grip of Macedonia. However, only within two years after the throne, Alexander was able to overcome the region. After that, attention shifted to the Persian.
For two thousand years the Persians controlled the vast territory, stretching from the Mediterranean to India. Although Persia was no longer in the top of his greatness, but still remains a formidable opponent and respected, the most extensive empire, the most powerful and richest on earth.
Alexander launched his first attack to the Persian year 334 BC. Because he had to set aside part of its troops in the country to maintain and oversee its European inilik, Alexander had only 35 000 soldiers accompanying an adventure when he dared the death, a small amount insignificant compared to the power of the Persian Army. In addition to a number of misfortunes that happened, Alexander won a string of victories in gempurannya against the Persians. There are three factors that has caused his victory. First, the troops left by his father, Philip, really well trained and organized, better than the Persians. Second, Alexander himself a warlord of genius, perhaps the most genius at all times. Third, Alexander's own courage. Although he led the first stages of the battle behind the front lines, the decision was to lead his own Alexander's horsemen who gave decisive blow. This is a risky way and he was often wounded in battle like this. But troops witnessed with my own eyes that Alexander was not really in danger of insufficient responsibility and would not impose a risk on the shoulders of others. This brings a direct result in terms of moral improvement convincing soldiers.
Alexander led his forces first struck in Asia Minor, struck out a small army stationed in the Persian there. Then she moved toward the north of Syria, crush a large army of Persians at Issus. This completed her turn around invade the south, and after the fighting involved heavy and difficult throughout the seven months, he managed to conquer the Phoenician island city Tire is now called Lebanon. When Alexander was fighting in Tire, he received a message from the King of Persia mengwarkan half his kingdom if only for Alexander Alexander willing to accept the peace agreement. One of Alexander's generals, Parmenio, considers good and decent offer accepted. "If I am Alexander, the offer was accepted." What Alexander answered? "So did I, if I was named Parmenio."
After Tire fell, Alexander continued his movement to the south. Gaza fell after fighting for two months. Egypt surrendered without fighting anything. After occupying Egypt, Alexander settled for a while just to give time off for his soldiers. In the country, although he was only twenty-four years, he was given the gift the title and was crowned Pharaoh as a god. Considered after the break, Alexander and his army moved again back to the Asian mainland, and the life-death battle that determines at Arbela in 331 BC, he was completely paralyzed most of the Persian army.
After a resounding victory that Alexander brought his army to Babylon and break into the Persian cities, Suso, and Persepolis. Persian King Darius III (instead of Darius the Great predecessor) was killed by the officer-in opsirnya year 330 BC to prevent surrender to Alexander. Even so, Alexander defeated and killed the substitute Darius, and in the battle for three years, he had conquered all the eastern parts of Iran and urged the country continues to Central Asia.
With all the Persian Empire under his feet tclapak, Alexander should take the decision back home to his country and organize the territory. But, thirsty conquest was unbearable, so he went to Afghanistan labrakannya. From there he led his army across the Hindu Kush mountains to India. He obtained a series of major victories in the western part of India and intend to continue the attack to the east of India. However, his army was tired and struggling from years of fighting, and refused to continue the attack. So with Alexander reluctantly returned to Persia.
After returning to Persia, Alexander spent about a year organizing the army and the empire under their control. Alexander grew up with the belief that Greek culture is the only superior culture and the thumb and all nations who are not Greek none other than the barbarians. Barangtentu belief was widely spread throughout the state of mind and the Greek world, and even Aristotle himself thought so. But, apart from success to quell down the Persian army, Alexander realized that the Persians barbarians was not at all, and of the Persians could have just as capable and smart with the Greeks. Therefore, Alexander has the intention to merge the two into one empire, and the formation of a joint dijelmakannya culture of the Graeco-Persian empire with her own, of course, is above the ruling leadership. As far as can we be sure, he really wished that the Persians are an equal partner with the Greeks and Macedonia. In order to implement this plan, he put a lot of people into the Persian army. He is also a party what he called "Western and Eastern Marriage" in which thousands of soldiers Macedonia officially married daughters of Asia. He himself, despite his wife to marry a girl before Asian royalty, married to the daughter of Darius again.
Very obvious, Alexander intended to do additional conquest by the Armed Forces who have organized this again. We know, he bennaksud conquered Arabia, and perhaps also wilayahwilayah located in the northern half of Persia. And maybe he had plans Indian occupied or invaded Rome, Carthago and parts of the Mediterranean Sea. However the plan is structured, there is clearly no subsequent conquests again. In early June of 323 BC when Alexander was in Babylon, he suddenly developed a fever and he died ten days later. At that time not yet reached the age of thirty-three years.
Alexander did not appoint his successor, and soon after he began to occur no power struggles. In this struggle, her mother, his wife, his children all were killed. His empire was divided among his generals.
Since Alexander died in a very young age and was never defeated, a lot of speculation whether the hell that would happen if a long age. When he brought his army invaded and conquered the areas west of the Mediterranean Sea, most likely he will succeed, and in this case the entire history of Western Europe will experience major changes. But this speculation, however interesting nothing to do with the real successes already achieved.
Regional Empire Alexander the Great
Alexander may be a very dramatic figure in history, career and personal still be a source of admiration. The evidence of success in his career was dramatic, and dozens of stories popping up about his name. And obviously it was his ambition to be the greatest warrior and conqueror of all time, and apparently well-deserved nickname he acquired it. As individual fighters, covered in her ability and courage. As a general, he's very smart, because the battle for eleven years, never once did things he lost.
Coincided with that, he was an intellectual who studied under the tutelage of Aristotle and master Homer's poems. In the case of the idea that people realize that no Greek should not barbarians, clearly shows that his mind had more coverage than most of the Greek thinkers at the time.
However, on the other hand, Alexander had a short-sighted view. Although he repeatedly at risk in battle, he did not prepare his successor. This negligence is the cause of his empire so quickly fall apart after he died.
Alexander is considered likely that beautiful face, and she often very generous to the defeated enemy. On the other hand, he was also an "egomaniac" and violent temper. On one occasion, in a brawl in a fender, he killed a friend familiar, Clertus, one who had saved her life.
Just as Napoleon and Hitler, Alexander had a tremendous influence on his generation. A brief period of influence, is more concise than they, solely because of limited facilities for travel to and fro and communication at the time M_ embatasi and minimize its impact on the world.
In the long run, the most important influence of the conquest of Alexander carried Greek culture is closer to the Middle East, so that each gets a benefit to supplement and enhance their culture. During and immediately after a career of Alexander, Greek culture quickly spread to Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, Judea, and Egypt. Before Alexander, the Greek culture had already penetrated into these areas but
very slowly. Also, Alexander spread the influence of Greek culture to India and Central Asia, areas previously untouched. However, cultural influence is not meant only one-sided and one-way. In the Hellenistic age (the centuries immediately after the steps of Alexander) Eastern ideas-particularly-religious ideas spread to the Greek world. With this Hellenistic culture was dominant but the Greeks seem to really influence of Eastern thought at the time was the Roman influence.
In the long career, Alexander founded more than twenty-one new city. The most famous of all is Alexandria (Alexandria) in Egypt that the tempo is fast becoming the leading city in the world and is a cultural and educational center of the famous. Others, such as Herat and Afghanistan Kandahan also developed so important cities.
Alexander, Napoleon, and Hitler have in common it's the weight of its influence in general. People will be memorable, however, the influence of the latter is shorter lifetimes than Alexander. On the basis that he can place the order a little more.Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.
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