Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis Beginners Embryo
Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis beginners embryo, born in 1856 in the town of Freiberg, now located in Czechoslovakia, but was included Austrian Empire. When he was four years old, his family moved to Vienna and that's where he spent most of his life. Freud an excellent student in school, earned a medical degree from the University of Vienna in 1881. Over the next ten years he was doing in-depth investigations in the field of psychology, psychiatry clinic staff form, doing private practice in the field of neurology, working in Paris with renowned French neurologist Jean Charcot, and also with the doctor Josef Breuer of Vienna.
Freud's ideas in the field of psychology developed level by level. Stone in 1895 his first book published study of hysteria, in collaboration with Breuer. Dream Interpretation next book published in 1900. This book is one of his most original and most important at the same time, despite a slow sales market at first, but lifting the name of the scent. After that ran out of his work is essential, and in 1908, when Freud gave a series of lectures in the United States, Freud has become people who really famous. In 1902 he organized a discussion group in Vienna psychological problems. One of the first members who joined the Alfred Adler, and several years later were also Carl Yung. The two men eventually became master of psychology through their own efforts.
Freud married and have children six. In the final moments of his life he was smitten by cancer in his jaw bone, and since 1923, and later he had surgery more than thirty times in order to restore the condition. Nevertheless, he still found the work and some important works to appear in the following years. In 1938 the Nazis occupied Austria and the Sigmund Freud who was 82 years old and Jewish descent were forced to go to London and died there a year later.
Freud's contribution in the field of psychological theory so broad-reaching power that is not easy menyingkatnya. He emphasized the great importance of the unconscious processes of human attitudes. He showed how the process affects the content of the dream and led to talk-talk that missed or wrong calls, forgetting the names and also causes suffering for homemade and even disease.
Freud developed the technique of psychoanalysis as a method of healing mental illness, and he formulated a theory about the structure of the human person, and he also developed or popularized the theory of psychology concerned with anxiety, self-defense mechanism, pengkhitanan affairs, depression, sublimation and many more. Writings arouse excitement of psychological theory. Many of the controversial idea that provoked a heated debate since flung.
Freud's most famous perhaps in proposing the idea that sexual desire is often the cause of depression is important in terms of mental illness or neurosis. (Indeed, Freud was not the first person to bring this issue even though his writings give so much encouragement in the use of the scientific field). He also shows that sexual arousal and sexual desire begins in the childhood and adult rather than at the time.
Because many of Freud's ideas are still at odds with each other, it is difficult to put his position in history. He is a pioneer and the diggers, with the talent and incredible intelligence that produces a variety of ideas. However, Freud's theories (unlike Darwin or Pasteur) never managed to get agreement from the community of scientists and extremely difficult to say which parts of the ideas that ultimately can be regarded as a truth.
Apart from the ongoing opposition to his ideas, it seems very little doubt that Freud was a prominent figure in the history of human thought. His opinions in the field of psychology has completely revolutionized our conception of the human mind, and many of the ideas and the terms have been used by the general-example: the ego, super ego, the Oedipus complex and the tendency to desire to die.
Sure enough, psychoanalysis is a way of healing is very expensive and very serious and did not work anything. However, it is also true techniques achieve great successes. The psychologists in the future to conclude that repressed sexual desires will be increasingly important role in human behavior rather than assuming the schools of Freud's adherents. However, this passion has certainly had a large share of the assumptions in part psychologist before Freud. Similarly, the majority of psychologists are now convinced that the process of unconscious mental role in determining human behavior, something that is underrated people before Freud. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.
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