Buddha, Prince Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
Gautama Buddha Prince Siddhartha's real name founder of Buddhism, one of the largest religions in the world. Kapilavastu king's son, northeast India. borders with Nepal. Siddhartha himself (Gautama clan of the tribe of Sakya) was born in Lumbini, now including the territory of Nepal. Married at the age of sixteen years with his cousin the same age. Brought up in luxury in the palace, Prince Siddhartha no taste for good living berleha-inattentive, and heavy-feeling extremely dissatisfied. From the glittering palace window he looked into the outside and saw the poor lying in the streets, not the afternoon breakfast, or not able to eat at all. Day after day after the necessities of life which never reached as a bundle of wheat in the ass hanging in the nose. Tarolah that the trash. While the haves were often kehinggapan discontent, anxious anxious, upset and depressed because of all diseases that plagued every time dragged him to the grave. Siddhartha thought, this situation must change. Should manifest the meaning of life in the real sense of the word, and not just temporary pleasure that is always overshadowed by the suffering and death.
When twenty-nine years old, shortly after their first son was born, Gautama decided he must leave palace life and mengharnbakan themselves to the search for truth is not gilding. Thinking is not merely think, but act. With merry way he left the palace, without a well-bini children, without bringing the goods and property of any kind, and became homeless with no penny in my pocket. The first step, for a while, she demanded knowledge of the wise men in those days and after pocketing enough knowledge, he came to the conclusion the problem solving human discontent.
General assumes that recluse true path to wisdom. On the basis of the assumption that Gautama tried to become a hermit, so many years of fasting and abstinence as good-great. Eventually he realized that conduct torture yourself just edges blur the mind, and instead leads closer to the real truth. Think a thought, he decided it better to eat like a normal human being and stop all kinds of ascetic because the action was not only useless but can make a skinny body, sluggish, firefly eyes, sleepy, rheumatic pain, not even close to stupid.
In a quiet peaceful solitude he wrestled with the life of a human problem. Finally one night, when he was sitting under a broad-leaf trees and fruit of pear shape semacarn laden seeds of all kinds, then the puzzle berdatanganlah life problems like falling on him. Siddhartha pondered the whole night through and when the sun broke the eastern horizon, and he gasped in unison was convinced that solved complex problems, and she began at that time called himself the Buddha "who were given the information."
At that age stepped three-five years. Time age of forty-five years wandering along dipergunakannya northern India, spreading his new philosophy in front of the audience who was willing to listen. When he died, 483 years BC, had hundreds of thousands of followers of his teachings. Although his words were not written but memorized petuahnya advice-by many followers in his head, passed on from one generation to the next generation through the mouth alone.
Basic Buddhism can be summed up in what the term adherents "Four virtues of truth:" First, that human life is basically not happy; second, the cause of this unhappiness is to think of self-interest, and bound by lust; third, thoughts of self-interest own and can be pressed out of lust when all passions and desires can be eliminated, the teachings of the Buddha called nirvana; fourth, weighing right, think right, talk right, do right, make a living right, trying to correct, given the right, right meditation. Can ditarnbahkan Buddhism was open for anyone, regardless of whatever race he is, (this is what distinguishes it from Hinduism).
Some time after the death of Gautama the new religion spread slowly. In the 3rd century BC, a great Indian emperor named Asoka's power became followers of Buddhism. Thanks to its support, the spread of Buddhism racing torrent, not just in India but also in Burma. From here agarna it spread throughout Southeast Asia, to Malaysia and Indonesia.
The wind spread the influence was not just blowing to the south but also to the north, broke in Tibet, to Afghanistan and Central Asia. Not until there. He grabbed mengambah influence of China and not made with the amount and from there crossed over to Japan and Korea.
While in India itself the new religion began to decrease its influence after about 500 AD in fact almost extinct in the year 1200. By contrast, in China and in Japan, Buddhism remains a subject of religion. Similarly, in Tibet and Southeast Asia is experiencing religious heyday centuries.
Buddhist teachings are not written until many centuries after the death of Gautama. Because it is easy understandable why religion is fragmented into various sects. Two major branches of Buddhism are Theravada branch-effects, especially in Southeast Asia and the assumption by most Western scholars is the branch closest to the teachings of the Buddha-original. Another branch of Mahayana, the weight of his influence lies in Tibet, China and also in Southeast Asia in general.
Buddha, as founder of one of the largest religions in the world, certainly worthy ranked almost top levels in this book list. Because the number of followers of Buddhism lived 200 million compared with Islamic believers who number 500 million and one billion adherents of Christianity, its influence is smaller than the Buddha or Muhammad Isa. However, different number of adherents, if a measure is exceedingly tight, can also be misleading. For example, the demise or decline of Buddhism in India was not any drop down but because Hinduism has absorbed many teachings and Buddhist principles into his body. In China too, a large number of people who no longer openly calls himself a Buddhist in the practice of everyday life was very influenced by the philosophy of religion.
Buddhism, far surpasses both Islam and Christianity, has elements pacifis very prominent. Proceed from the view that without this violence plays an important role in the political history of countries berpenganut Buddha.
Many people say if one day Jesus came back down to earth he would stare shocked at all what people are doing on their behalf, and will be anxious for the bloodshed that occurred in the conflict between different sects of each opinion equally claim to be followers. So was going to happen to the Buddha. He could not be gaping gaping seen so many sects of Buddhism that grew everywhere, each different from each other even though they claim to Buddhists. Narnun, however semrawutnya sects which differ from each other is not sarnpai cause bloody religious wars such as occurred in the Christian world of Europe. In this connection, at least means the Buddha's teachings was far deeper than its followers lived by the teachings of Jesus, the same connection dalarn.
Buddha and Kong Hu-Cu have approximately equal influence on the world. Both lived in the period about the same time, and the number of his followers were not much different. My choice of putting the Buddha's name ahead of Hu-Cu Kong in the order was based on two considerations: first, the development of Communism in China was almost wiped out the influence of Hu-Cu Kong, while the future seems more Buddhist still gaps and influence than in Kong Hu - Cu; second, the failure of the teaching-Kong Hu Cu spread beyond China to show how closely link teaching bertautnya-Kong Hu Cu manner and procedure of the old Chinese era. In contrast, Buddhism no test or statements containing chewing on the previous Indian philosophy and Buddhism spread stepped yard line-Indian country-leaning ideas and genuine Gautama wide range philosophy. by Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.
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