Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kong Hu Cu, Greatest Chinese Philosopher

Without doubt, Kong Hu-Cu great Chinese philosopher. And no doubt, was the first developer to integrate a system of mind and confidence in the Chinese people more basic. His philosophy of morality and conceptions of individuals of a government on ways to serve the people and the command of sodomy exemplary behavior, have absorbed to the flesh and blood and cultural life of Chinese people for more than two thousand years. More than that, they also affect some of the people of another world.

Born around 551 BC, in the small town of Lu, now Shantung province in the northeast region of China. In the younger age bereaved father made her life miserable on the side of his mother. Emerging from a young adult became officers, but after some years decided to better myself. During the sixteen next Kong Hu Cu become teachers, little by little to find influence and follower of the philosophies of fashion. Stepping fifty stars began to shine because it can land on the city government of Lu.

The good fortune was not always easy for those who envy with this behavior and the behavior was taken to court for not only removed from office chairs, but also led him to leave the city. No less than thirteen years-Cu Kong Hu traveled to where the feet go, so that teachers around, has just returned home from five years before his death in 479 BC.

Hu-Cu Kong is often considered the founder of a religion; hypothesis is of course wrong. Rarely associated with godly teachings, rejected talk of the underworld, and avoided all talk firmly associated with metaflsika problems. He no more nor less, a secular philosopher, only dealing with issues of political morality and personal conduct and morality.

There are two very important values, Kong said Hu-Cu, which is "Yen" and "Li" "Yen" is often translated with the word "Love", but actually means more success, "The hospitality in a relationship with somebody. "" Li "is described as a combination of behavior, worship, manners, customs and etiquette.

Ancestor worship, the basic principle of trust from Hong bin even before the birth of Hu-Cu, reconfirmed the importance of loyalty to family and respect for parents. Doctrine-Cu Kong Hu also stressed the importance of the need to respect and obedience of wife to her husband and a similar obligation of a citizen to his government. This is something different with the stories of Chinese people who always oppose every form of tyranny. Hu-Cu Kong insurance, no other country to serve the interests of people, did not return. No pull-Cu-jemunya Kong Hu stressed that the authorities must first give an example the rule based on a moral example and not play hard and kemplang. And one of the legal doctrine a bit like the "golden rule", Christian says he "is not what I like others do unto you, do not."

The main viewpoint Kong Hu Cu basically very conservative. Thought, the golden age is past, and appeals to both the rulers and the people to return home, keeping the size of moral genah not wander. That's not an easy issue to deal with. Hu-Cu desire Kong governing how not to play roughly, but through exposure to a good model is not as well at the beginning of his time. Therefore, Hu-Ku Kong, closer to a reformer, an innovator in place of what is really a dream.

Hu-Cu Kong live in the Chou dynasty, the menyuburnya intellectual life in China, while the authorities at that time paid no attention to all the advice petuahnya. Only after wafatlah teachings spread widely throughout the corner of China.

Berbetulan with the emergence of the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC, with a very bleak. The emperor Shih Huang Ti, the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty ruled unanimously that cut off adherent Kong Hu Cu and cut the chain connecting the past. Issuance of the order of compression cream daily lessons Kong Hu-Cu and either move the mirror or a gorilla and a professional agitator for large-scale search, seize all the books containing the teachings of Kong Hu-Cu and dicemplungkan in the ashes of a fire to be destroyed. The depravity of this plan does not seem to work. When approached during the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, those loyal to Hong-Hu-Cu spirits rose again and rekindle the embers of new doctrine Kong Hu-Cu. In the next dynasty (Han Dynasty in 206 BC - 220 AD). Confucianism became the official state philosophy of China.

From the Han Dynasty, the Chinese emperors level by level to develop a selection system for officers who want to be a way to take the exam for public servants, but chance had good levels of quality and skills morale. Selecting long and weighs more focused: eye exam include basic philosophy Kong Hu-Cu. Due to her country and it is pegawal ladder to prosperity keterangkatan material and social condition, please understand if there was among enthusiasts battle for space. The following result, lead singer with generations of Chinese intellectuals in the enormous amount of commitment until your eyes glazed treasures of classical writings Khong Hu Cu. And, for centuries, China's civil service consists of the points of view in the philosophy Kong Hu-Cu. This system (with few distractions) lasted almost two thousand years, from 100 BC to 1900 AD

But not only Confucianism the official philosophy of the Chinese government, but also accepted and lived by most Chinese, influential to the fundamentals of his heart, is geared to thinking for a period of over two thousand years.

There are several reasons why Confucianism has a strong influence on the Chinese people. First, the honesty and innocence Kong Hu-Cu no doubt. Second, is a moderate and practical, and not ask too many things that could not be one. If Kong Hu-Cu want someone who is respected, that people do not bother to become the first saint. In this case, as in his teaching on the other, is reflected and simultaneously translate the practical nature of the Chinese. This aspect of the possibility that the success factors of the teachings of Hu-Cu terpokok Kong. Hu-Cu Kong is not asking too numerous. For example he did not ask the Chinese to change core beliefs of age. In fact, the opposite, Kong Hu-Cu are in clear language support clean, so you do not have to change. Apparently, not a philosopher anywhere in the world so closely at the views underlying the stock and Hu-Cu-Kong.

Emphasizing the circuit Confucianism obligations aimed at people rather than emphasize the rights, it was difficult to digest and less attractive to the size of the western world. As a philosophy of state seemed remarkably effective. Measured from the point of the ability to maintain harmony and prosperity in China within a period not less than two thousand years, is clearly in line with other forms of government in the world.

The idea of philosophy Kong Hu Cu rooted in Chinese culture, are not severely affected outside East Asia. In Korea and Japan's subtle influence, and this caused the two countries are strongly influenced by Chinese culture.

We have been in a state Guram Confucianism in China. The problem is that the communist government trying to link people's minds with the past is lost completely. With a persistent and systematic Confucianism struggle been so great that the possibility of a time not so far from land Confucianism China. But because in the past, the sharp fall that Confilcianisme root in the land of China, is not impossible if hundred and fifty Lahun the future - a Chinese philosopher can be married with two great ideas: Confucianism and the teachings of Mao Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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