Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nicolaus Copernicus, The Initiator of Modern Astronomy

Astronomer (astronomer) Polish national named Nicolaus Copernicus (Polandianya name: Mikolaj Kopernik) was born in 1473 in Torun, in the Vistula river in Poland. He comes from a family. As a young child, Copernicus studied at the University of Krakow, as the students who took a great interest in matters of astrology. Twenty years was a visit to Italy, where he studied medicine and law at the University of Bologna and Padua, which can then doctorate in canon law at the University of Ferrara. Copernicus spent most of his time when it grows as personnel clerks in Frauenburg Cathedral (Poland term: Frombork) as an ecclesiastical lawyer who never really was a professional astronomer Copernicus, the amount of work that made his name thanks to heaven is strange.

During his stay in Italy, Copernicus was familiar with the ideas of the Greek philosopher Aristarchus of Samos (13th century BC). These philosophers argued that the Earth and another planet-planet orbits the sun. Copernicus was convinced of the veracity of the hypothesis "heliocentris" this, and when he entered the forty years he began to write pieces circulate among his friends in the form of shorter writings, the origin of the ideas presented itself in the matter. Copernicus has years of observation, careful calculations necessary for the preparation of his great book De Revolution Orbium Coelestium (About Revolution circle sky objects), which describes in detail his theory and evidence to test.

In 1533, when the age of sixty years, Copernicus send files of lecture notes to Rome. Here it is suggested basic principles of his theory without dissent Pope. New age approximates that of the seventies, Copernicus decided that publication of the book, and just in time to death, sent his first printed book publisher. This date is May 24, 1543.

In the book of Copernicus rightly say that the earth revolves on its axis, the moon revolves around the sun and earth, and all the other planets revolved around the sun. But, like his predecessors, made a free estimate on a planetary scale circulation around the sun. He also made a big mistake, because he was convinced that the orbit containing circles. Therefore, not only this theory is mathematically complicated but also not true. Even so, the book won a hurry. Other astronomers were intrigued, especially the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, who made the observations more accurate and appropriate to the planetary movements. From these data makes this observation Johannes Kepler finally able to formulate the laws of planetary motion is appropriate.

System Copernican universe

While the issues before Copernicus, Aristarchus had raised more than seventeen centuries of distribution hypothesis celestial bodies, is considered worthy of people Copernicuslah won. Because, no matter how Aristarchus had presented the different topics that contain inspiration, but never formulated a detailed theory that has benefited from scientific spectacles. When Copernicus worked on mathematical calculations hypothesis in detail, he managed to make it a scientific theory that has meaning and order. Can be used for such complaints can be demonstrated by astronomical observations can be useful in other appeals that past theories that are so central dunialah space.

Clearly therefore, the Copernican theory has revolutionized our conception of space and at the same time, has revolutionized our conception of philosophy. However, in terms of assessing the importance of Copernicus, one should remember that astronomy is a powerful utility daily practice as well as chemical and biological physics. Because people can actually make television equipment, cars, or a modern chemical plant without any secuwil should use the theory of Copernicus. (Conversely, one could not do these things without using the mind of Faraday, Maxwell, Lavoisier and Newton).

However, if attention is confined to the direct influence of Copernicus directly in the field of technology, we will lose the real meaning of Copernicus. Copernicus' book had a meaning that does not seem possible that both Galileo and Kepler completed his scientific work. All were predecessors important and decisive for the Newton, and their findings raise the possibility that Newton formulated the laws of motion and weight style. Historically, the publication of De Revolutionobus Orbium Coelestium is the starting point of modern astronomy. More than that, the starting point of modern knowledge.by Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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