Friday, December 25, 2009

Simon Bolivar, born in Caracas

There was George Washington from the North American continent. There was George Washington from the southern American continent. That the south was called Simon Bolivar. What is it? Because very little - if any - people who hold the rollers so decisive in a continent throughout human history. No fewer than five countries are freed from the shackles of colonialism Spanish: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolovia).

Venezuelan Bolivar own child, born in Caracas in 1783, came from an aristocratic family descended from Spain. New age of nine was orphaned. In the years to increase adult he very strongly influenced by the ideas of the French reformer. Philosopher-philosopher that he often read between the other John Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesqueu.

As a teenager, Bolivar traveled to several European countries. In Rome in 1805 on the Aventine hill, Bolivar lift oath, will not sit before their homeland free from Spanish colonial oppression.

In 1808 Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and settled his brother became head of state of Spain. With the Spanish royal family shift from effective political role, the real Napoleon presents a golden opportunity for Latin American colonies won their independence.

Spanish colonialism dispel Revolution in Venezuela broke out in 1810 when the governor of Spain in Venezuela kicked out of his chair. The statement echoed the proclamation of independence in 1811, and in that year Bolivar became the leader of the revolutionary forces. But next year the Spanish master back Venezuela. One of the revolutionary leaders, Francisco Miranda and Bolivar prison disappeared leaving the country.

Following years a series of battles noted, briefly took the victory while suffering from a serious blow, but the determination Bolivar never relaxed. The turning point occurred in 1819 when Bolivar led the mixed and irregular, crossed the river mengambah high plains, valleys and mountain tops of the Andes to beat the Spanish troops in Columbia. There he won a tough battle in Boyaca (August 17, 1819), victory is truly risen sun of victory. Venezuela was released in 1821 and Ecuador in 1822.

Meanwhile, Argentine patriot, José de San Martín managed to free Argentina and Chile from Spanish colonialism and is responsible for the liberation of Peru. Liberator's second meet in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, summer 1822. However, they could not agree on a plan and coordinate cooperation with the smash Spanish struggle. Because San Martin did not agree to join hands with Bolivar fiery confront Spain (this is beneficial and the Spanish), he decided to withdraw as a commander and away from Latin America entirely. Year 1824 in absolute Bolivar troops had liberated the area which is now called Peru, and in 1825 Spanish troops in northern Peru (now called Bolivia) driven out.

Time-year-career in Bolivar was not so successful. He was impressed with examples of the United States and wants the federation to the entire country of South America. In fact, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador have melted away into the Republic of Greater Colombia in Bolivar as president. Unfortunately, the symptoms of motion away in South America was greater than in North America. When Bolivar invited convention American countries free Spain in the year 1826, only. four countries were present. Actually, more countries are joining the Greater Colombia, but the republic was soon broken by itself. The civil war broke out in 1828 and there was an experiment to kill Simon Bolivar. By the 1830 Venezuela and Ecuador withdrew. Bolivar, aware that he is the obstacle for peace, resigned in April 1830. When he died in December 1830, he was in rundungan disappointed, terlunta-lunta poor and exiled from his native country of Venezuela.

Bolivar was definitely a big ambition and the insistence of her condition sometimes take a walk dictatorship. But, if he had to choose, he's ready to give up his ambitions for the sake of public interest and democratic ideals, and he dumped dictatorship. Once he was offered a royal crown, but refused. Undoubtedly, he felt the nickname "El Libertador" (The Liberator) who has been attached to him far more glorious than just a royal crown.

Needless to say, Bolivar was a dominant figure in Latin American liberation movements from Spanish imperialism feet. He gave donations for the ideological leadership of the movement - writing articles, publishes newspapers, speeches everywhere - and correspondence. Not tired-tired he was seeking funds for supporting the struggle. And he was a key military figure in the armed revolutionary movement.

However, Bolivar was mistakenly considered a great general. Military conquest is not a large army and not the organized army. Bolivar himself was not a man who had talent strategy or tactics. (It's amazing if you remember he's also never be any military education). However, Bolivar able to overcome all the power it with the determination he has no wish to face unbeaten opponents. After each suffers defeat of Spain, when the people are reluctant to fight, Bolivar returned firmly to collect troops and fight back forward.

According to my assessment, Bolivar is a more influential figure than the good-known-good such as Julius Caesar or Charlemagne, either because the changes he had done during his career and because of the wider influence. However, Bolivar was placed in the order under Hitler, Alexander the Great and Napoleon as many things done by these three can not happen without them. While hard to believe that South America can not even how to gain independence.

Unlike Washington, Bolivar freed all his slaves during his lifetime. In addition, through the proclamation of the constitution and pass penyuguhan actively trying to remove him slavery in areas dimerdekakannya. But not entirely successful experiment, and slavery is still there after he died.

Bolivar impersonal complex, interesting, dramatic, bold, and romantic. She looks beautiful, and naturally involved a lot of romance stories. He is idealistic view that far, but have not as much administrative skills as well as fond praised Washington. His ambition is stronger than Washington, and is detrimental areas release. On the other hand, Bolivar was not entirely mercenary. He's been when the plunge into politics, and so poor when he stopped.

Bolivar liberated areas from the clutches of colonial slightly larger than the original United States. However, it is also clear that he is a less important figure than Washington, simply because the United States hold a more important role in history than countries that liberated Bolivar. Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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