Monday, December 21, 2009

Aristoteles, The Great Philosopher

Almost undeniable, Aristotle was a philosopher and the greatest scientist in the world of the past. He pioneered the logic of research topics, enriched almost every branch of philosophy and knowledge contributed greatly to the ineffable.
Many of Aristotle's ideas are now obsolete. But the most important of what Aristotle had done is a rational approach that always underlies his work. Aristotle Tulisantulisan reflected in its attitude to all aspects of human life or society is always open for the objects of thought and analysis. Aristotle's view, the universe is not completely controlled by chance, by magic, a desire that God's unfathomable that unexpected, but the behavior of the universe is subject to rational laws. This, according to the belief necessary for people to question every aspect of the natural world in a systematic and Aristotle we should take advantage of empirical observations and the reasons why, of course, before making decisions. Series of these attitudes - that contrary to tradition, superstition and mysticism - has profoundly influenced European civilization.
Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira, Macedonia, 384 BC. His father was a famous physicist. At the age of seventeen Aristotle went to Athens to study at Plato's Academy. He remained there for twenty years until Plato died recently. From his father, Aristotle may have encouraged interest in biology and "practical knowledge". Under the tutelage of Plato instilled an interest in philosophical speculation.
In the year 342 BC, Aristotle returned to Macedonia, a master of a king's son was thirteen years later in a famous story of Alexander the Great. Alexander Aristotle educate young people in recent years. In 335 BC, after Alexander's royal throne, Aristotle returned to Athens and opened there own school, the Lyceum. It was in Athens two years, a period that coincided with the military conquests of Alexander's career. Alexander did not seek advice from his former master, but he was kind enough to provide funds to Aristotle, to carry out investigations. Perhaps this is the first example in history of a scientist to accept a large amount of public funds for research and is also the last in the following centuries.
Still, Alexander has teamed up with various hazards. Aristotle rejected, in principle, how the dictatorship of Alexander as the conqueror Alexander the cousin to death on charges of menghianat Aristotle, Alexander also had a mind to kill Aristotle. First, Aristotle too democratic in the eyes of Alexander, also had a close relationship with Alexander and the confidence of the people of Athens. When Alexander died in 323 BC, the anti-Macedonian group to power in Athens and Aristotle was accused of disrespect to the gods. Aristotle, remembering the fate of Socrates, 76 years earlier, ran to the left of the city, saying it would be given a second chance to those who sin against the Athenian philosophers. Aristotle died in exile for several months later in 322 BC C. at the age of sixty-two years.
Results of pure Aristotle surprising figures. Forty-seven of his works survived. List of past records of not less than one hundred and seventy the results of the creation of books. In fact, not only the great number of titles are impressive, but the wide scope of power of material civilization is no less great meditations less. Scientific work that really is the encyclopedia of knowledge for its time. Aristotle wrote about astronomy, zoology, Embryologia, geography, geology, physics, anatomy, physiology, and almost every time his work was known in ancient Greece. The results of his scientific work, is partly a collection of knowledge gained attention assistants to collect data for him, while others are the result of a series of his own observations.
To be an expert in most excellent in all branches of the impossibility of the magic and no duplicates in the next. But what has been achieved by Aristotle, even more than that. It was an original philosopher, was the main contributor in all major areas of speculative philosophy, writes on ethics and metaphysics, psychology, economics, theology, politics, rhetoric, beauty, education, poetry, customs and the constitutions of Athens late. A project is a collection of different studies use the land for comparative studies.
Perhaps the most important of the many results of their work is the investigation of the theory of logic, Aristotle considered the founder of an important branch of this philosophy. It is actually due to the nature of Aristotle's logical way of thinking that allows to offer so many disciplines. She has the talent to establish ways of thinking, to formulate standards and the type of guy who later became the basis of thinking in many fields of science. Aristotle never kejeblos in extreme swamp or mysticism. Aristotle, always insist on the practice expressing their views. Of course, the name of person, who also made mistakes. However, few errors, it is surprising he made in a vast encyclopedia.
Aristotle's influence on Western thought in the back of the day was profound. In earlier times and medieval times, their works translated into languages Latin, Arabic, Italian, French, Hebrew, German and English. Greek writers who came after, so did the Byzantine philosopher-philosopher studying his work and put a very impressive. Must also be taken into account, many of his reflections on the impact of Islamic philosophers and centuries old writings dominated Western thought. Ibn Rushd (Averroes), philosopher, perhaps the most prominent Arab, trying to make a synthesis between Islamic theology with Aristotelian rationalism. Maimomides, the foremost thinkers of the century Jewish synthesis achieved with Judaism. However, the most glorious work of acts, as is his Summa Theologia of St. Christian scholars. Thomas Aquinas. Out of this list is still largely a century intellectuals who influenced the way the mind of Aristotle.
Aristotle's admiration for people just jumped in the middle of the century when the situation has come to idolatry. In these circumstances, the writings of Aristotle, is more a kind of intellectual pack of saying that the issue even more problems than the type of light bulbs in the street. Aristotle likes to study and think about their relationship less clear according to the blind admiration of the next generation of his writings.
Some of the ideas of Aristotle seem reactionary now measured with glasses. For example, advocates of slavery, as it believes, in line with the line of natural law. And he believes humble dignity of women than men. Both ideas, of course - reflecting the prevailing view at that time. But no less impressive modern Aristotle too many thoughts, for example the sentence: "Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime" and the phrase "He who has reflected deeply the art of governing mankind must believe that the fate depends on emperium something in the education of young children. "(Of course, at that time there was no school as we know it today).by Michael H. Hart,One hundred most influential figures in the history.


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